Page 85 of Trigger

“Who’s gonna pay for it?” Fender asks because he’s the tightwad in charge of the money.

Coyote frowns at me, then sighs. “I’ll pay for the fucking corral. We’re all investors in Evanee’s clinic. It’ll look bad if we let the cops kill the horse.”

“I got a better idea,” Hash says with a smirk on his face. “How about we cut the horse’s head off and put it in Crip’s bed. Like the Godfather did.”

“You fuckin’ animal!” I yell, half-rising from my chair.

Red thumps me back down. “For Christ sake, Trigger,” he says. “The fucker’s playing with you.” There ain’t any love lost between Red and Hash so it’s a surprise that Red’s defending him.

Of course, Hash doesn’t know where the fuckin’ line is. “Am I, asshole? What the fuck do we need a horse for? Next we’ll be getting some kangaroos and a goat.”

“I like the sounds of that,” Rocky says with a grin. “We can get a donkey, so that when the passarounds are busy, Hash’s got someone to fuck around with.”

“Fuck off, bitch,” Hash says.

I hate agreein’ with Hash, but Rocky’s not as funny today as he thinks he is.

Eight asks the practical question. “How’re we gonna get the horse here?”

“How the fuck would I know?” Hangman shouts. “We don’t got a spare horse trailer sittin’ out behind the Chamber.” He runs his hands through his hair. “Jesus fuckin’ christ. We’re in church. Why the fuck are we talkin’ about a petting zoo?”

“I can ride,” Rider, one of the Vegas guys, announces, too new to understand that Hangman’s diatribe is his way of tellin’ us to move on. “If Evanee has a saddle, I can ride it out of town.”

Blood enters the fray. “You can’t fuckin’ ride the horse through town. That’s as illegal as the vet keepin’ him at the clinic.”

“The horse is a girl,” I mutter.

“What?” Hangman says, his lip curling into a sneer.

I straighten up in my chair. “The horse is a girl.” The laughter is pissing me off so I get aggressive. “And since when do we give a fuck about ridin’ a horse through Sagebrush?”

“Man’s got a point,” King says, speaking for the first time.

“We don’t,” Joker replies to question. “But it might get the good citizens going if they see Rider and the fucking horse trotting down the road. Someone’s bitched about it already.”

“We’ll bring it over when everyone’s sleepin’. After midnight,” Rider suggests.

“You can ride in the dark?” Jawbone asks doubtfully.

Rider smirks. “I can ride blindfolded.”

“Where’d you learn to ride?” Rocky asks.

Rider glares at Rocky. “I was a fuckin’ Canadian Mountie, asshole. I can ride. Isn’t that enough?”

“Hey,” Hash says. “About the horse head.”

“Shut the fuck up!” I snarl at the bastard. “Wasn’t funny the first time, sure as hell ain’t funny now.”

He scowls like I’m the asshole. “I’m not finished. We do the godfather thing with Dino’s head instead. Put it in Crip’s bed. He wants back what’s his. We give it to him.”

Hangman looks at him like he’s a genius. “Who the fuck’s gonna do that?” he asks, which means he’s on board.

“Trigger, obviously,” Joker says, then immediately regrets opening his mouth as Hangman turns on him.

“You and Reaper too, fucker. The three of you started this. You end it.”

It’s not that I don’t like Reaper and Joker, but I don’t work with them and I don’t see how this will go smoothly. “Rather bring Rocky and Red along. We more sympatico.”