Page 102 of Trigger

My hands tighten on her waist as I stare down at my cock fucking her. I don’t speed up; I don’t push deeper even as the pressure in my balls builds. When I come, my jizz shoots out of me so fucking fast and hard that I lose all the feeling in my legs. I sag against her, trying to get my heart under control. I gotta stay standing because I’m not ready to release her.

She’s leaning up against the wall, her elbow bent, her head propped up on her arm as she gasps for breath.

Finally, I slide out of her, then bring her down as my knees buckle. I grab the soap and scrub myself, letting the water from the shower rinse me, then turn her, making her straddle me with her knees then shove inside her pussy hard and fast and as deep as I can fucking get.

She wraps her arms around me, her head buried in my neck as she rides me. It takes a little longer this time, but I don’t mind. Her silky pussy rubbing up and down my dick is the best feeling in the world. I got the woman I love in my arms and nothing else matters but here and now.



There’s something magical about a plan comin’ together in exactly the perfect way.

It’s late mornin’ and I’m standing in Hangman’s office briefing him and Joker on the excursion to Crip’s house. I barely get started when Hangman’s phone rings.

Hangman smirks as he looks at the caller ID. “It’s Crip.” He raises a finger to his lips to keep Joker and me quiet, then puts the phone on speaker and sets it down on his desk.

“What?” he snarls. It’s pretty much how he starts all phone calls.

Crip’s enraged tone is loud and clear. “You motherfucking cunt!”

“Good morning to you to, ballsac. Have a good night’s sleep?”

“I will fucking kill you!”

Me and Joker’s shoulders are shaking as we try to suppress our laughter. The VP’s not quite successful as a snort escapes.

Hangman winks at him then returns his attention to Crip’s tirade. “Got a problem, asshole?”

“This is the fucking end for you and your motherfucking bastards! I’ll wipe you off the face of the map!”

“I’m confused. Shouldn’t that be my line?” Hangman spins the phone. I ain’t ever seen him so happy. “After all, you fucker, you’re the one who messed with my brother’s family.”

He’s talkin’ about Coyote’s parents, shot to death in cold blood by one of the Blackbeards’ associates, then helping the bastard kidnap Coyote’s twin sisters. “You fuckin’ crossed the line killin’ and kidnappin’ innocents.”

“Deserved, fuckface. The bastard killed Vortex.”

Poor old Vortex was a Blackbeard that accidentally got in the way of a bullet from Coyote’s gun when Coyote was rescuing his woman.

“Aw, shucks,” Hangman replies blandly. “Did someone shit in your coffee this morning?”

My stomach hurts from silent laugher and I gasp for air as I think about Rocky goin’ off to piss in Crip’s milk.

“You’re dead, you cunt!” Crip bellows. “Fuckin’ dead!”

The smile falls off Hangman’s face. He thumps his hand down on his desk so hard the phone jumps. “You don’t make fuckin’ threats to me, you cocksucker! You fuckin’ messed with our family, killin’, kidnapping, threatening our skirts! You stepped over the line. Dino’s head in your bed? That’s the least of your fucking problems.”

Joker and I ain’t smiling anymore. The Prez this furious is a sight to behold.

“One of these days, I’m gonna turn you into dog food.” Crip’s voice is low and deadly. “You better hope I don’t find you alone.”

Hangman laughs derisively. “You think I’m afraid of you? You’re shit on my shoe, you cunt. A fucking wasp that needs killin’”

“Like you did with did with Dino? He’s no Blackbeard. You killed him in cold blood for doin’ nothin’ worth dying over. You’re the fucking murderer.”

“I tell you what, bitch.” Hangman leans closer to the phone. “Everything you done up to now, I’ll wipe the slate clean. We’re even. You understand? No more fuckin’ around with our families or I’ll mess you up good.”

There’s a pause on the other end. “It’ll be a cold day in hell before I let you give the orders.”