I laugh because I don’t take offence to shit like that. Iama fucking idiot at times. “You didn’t come here to watch me jack off, did you? What do you want?”
“The snitch is back in town. Fender saw him. Time to shake him down.”
I’m pissed that the fuckin’ weasel is messing with my social life. “Evanee and me got plans tonight.”
Rocky raises his eyebrows. “She’s making you posh like Coyote. Fucking is fucking. Just say it.”
“It isn’t fucking,” I tell him as I take another drag on the cigarette then drop the rest into the bottle. “It’s a date.”
Rocky throws his head back and laughs. “Jesus Christ, she’s already got you twisted around her little finger.”
“Like Jess doesn’t own you.” As comebacks go, it sucks, but I don’t have the patience to be clever. I’ve waited three days for this date with Evanee. Three fucking agonizing days.
He shrugs like he’s cool with Jess leading him around by his dick. “Whatever. We got a date with Figaro tonight, so you’re gonna have to cancel the one you got with Evanee.”
“Can’t it wait until tomorrow?” I’m fully aware I sound like a whiny bitch.
“Nope. Hangman says now and he’s been pissy ever since the club voted to invest in your bird’s business. He doesn’t like her.”
“He doesn’t like anyone,” I reply with a sneer. “And what the fuck is with this ‘bird’ business?”
Rocky laughs. He’s too fucking mellow. “Jess likes it and that’s good enough for me.”
I curl my lip. “I don’t even know who you are anymore. All that tail’s making you lose your edge.”
Even that doesn’t get a rise out of him. “If it was just fucking, I’d have lost my edge a long time ago. It’s love, brother. Jess is perfect for me.”
I think of Evanee. She’s perfect for me, but there’s this sense of insecurity that she’s gonna realize that the only things I’m good at are fucking and violence. My brothers are right. I don’t have a whole lot of depth. “This conversation ain’t helping my problem. I haven’t seen her for three days, man! Three fucking days. I can’t wait any longer.”
“Bring her along,” Rocky says with a wide grin. “It’ll be fun.”
I actually think about it for a minute, that’s how much of an idiot I am. “No. She ain’t hanging around you fucks.” Yeah, that’s me. I don’t worry that I might piss her off by takin’ her with me on a job. Nope, I don’t want her in my brothers’ heads as they jerk off.
“You really serious about this chick?”
“Yeah man.” I don’t do feels conversations, but I decide to make an exception with Rocky because he has more relationship experience than I do. He and Jess have been hooked up for a few months and there’s a whole lot of heat even when they’re not fucking. Jess ain’t one to take shit from anyone or shy about voicin’ her opinion. Like the laundry thing. That’s good advice. “I think she’s it.”
I know she’s it, but I don’t want to deal with Rocky’s skepticism.
Rocky nods. “Gonna be weird, us both having girls. We might have to have barbeques.”
I look at my room in dismay. “At your place.”
He grins. “You’ll have to move somewhere else. Get a love nest for the bird.”
“I didn’t realize it would be so complicated.”
“Yeah. It kind of is, but we’ll barbecue at my place. Drink beer. Do some kayaking.”
“Kayaking? I didn’t think you could swim.”
“Can’t.” Rocky swallows the last of his beer and sets the empty on the bedside table. “Jess likes it and she makes me wear a life jacket.”
“This is fucked,” I say as I run my hand through my tangled hair, then I conjure Evanee in my head and realize he doesn’t know the half of it. “I don’t have to worry about that shit with Evanee.”
“She might surprise you.”
I think of Evanee in a kayak with her stilettos on, then imagine her naked in a kayak with her stilettos on and I get a boner. “Hope so.” I adjust myself as I glance out the window. It’s past noon. “If Hangman wants us to talk to Figaro, we better get on it. I’m pickin’ Evanee up at seven and I wanna be on time.”