Page 124 of Tame the Heart

Wyatt stomps inside, his faced flushed. Keena skitters beside him. “Charlie, we got cows flying, man!”

“What?” I bark over my shoulder before turning my gaze back to Ruby. She searches my eyes, her lips parted, an expression of confusion on her pretty face.

“Those cows from the meadow got over onto the ridge. One fell into the ravine.”

“Fuck.” This isn’t what I need today.

I tear a hand through my hair, hating to leave it like this, but I won’t keep a cow in pain. “I gotta go.”

Her fingers tighten on mine. “I know.”

“Charlie,” Wyatt blasts, and I growl at him. “Say your goodbyes, kiss your girl, and let’s go save some fucking cows.”

I hustle out after my brother, leaving Ruby staring after me, feeling like I’ve missed my chance to say something important.

My pulse flutters wild and reckless in my neck as I slide back onto the bar stool.

My brain whirls at Charlie’s words, the strange look on his face ...

Charlie had something to tell me. But what? It can’t be what I think it was, can it?

No. We are temporary and he knows that.

Doesn’t he?


What if he loves me?

Oh god.

There is no way I should want it, but I do.

I want my love returned, even if it is a bad idea.

A soft smile curls my lips when I think about how my life has changed with Charlie.

I love waking in the morning’s twilight, Charlie holding me tightly to him. The first ride of the week with the wind in my hair, Charlie hustling alongside me to keep up, pride in his eyes. The way he leans in to kiss me when he gets home from the ranch, turning me into a molten puddle of need. And best of all, the way I go limp after a night of spectacular sex, Charlie whispering in my ear that I’m the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen.

I’ve never felt this before. Dumb, dangerous hope.

With trembling fingers, I reach for my purse. I open my medication and dry-swallow a pill.

A ping sounds from my laptop. I set my medication on the counter.

I scowl at the email from Max with a link to the Stanford study. My big brother’s been on my case for the last two weeks to enroll. I haven’t told him anything that’s happened on the ranch. He and my father know I’m safe. Anything more would cause them to worry.

To: Ruby

From: Max

Hey killer.

I’m sending a link to that study.

I know you don’t want to hear it. And I know you’re scowling that weak ass scowl right now, because you can never really be mad at anyone, but humor me and read it. It’d be a stop on your road trip. And your annoying family would come out and take care of you.

They’re saying this new study is good. That it could change your life. So read it, Rubes.