Page 96 of In His Sights

5.15 p.m.

“REMIND MEagain what we’re doing here?” Riley asked as they stopped the car in front of the Dix Center. It was located on the first floor of a triple decker. A rainbow flag hung from the front porch railing, and there was another in the window.

Gary couldn’t tell him the real reason—he was following a hunch, and he hoped to God he was wrong.Why am I filled with this sense of foreboding?“I’m hoping we’ll learn something.”

Riley was the first up the steps to the door. He scowled. “The clinic closed fifteen minutes ago.”

Gary gazed at the cars parked out front and another in the alley between the property and the house next door. “Ring the bell anyway. There might still be someone here.”

He hoped.

After Riley had pushed the bell insistently, the door opened, and a young woman glared at them. “Can’t you read the sign? We’re closed.” They held their badges up for inspection, and she stared at them. “You’d better come in.” She stood aside to let them enter, and Gary glanced at her name tag.

“Thank you, Emma. Can you tell me who’s in charge of the center?” He took in their surroundings. The front room of the house was the reception area, with chairs along three walls. To the right was a door labeled Treatment Room #1, and farther along was another. A restroom sat between them. The walls were covered with posters of all kinds providing information on different types of STDs and treatment, safe sex practices, and safer drug usage. There were clear plastic bins standing around, and on closer inspection Gary saw they were filled with condoms, lube, female condoms, and dental dams. Behind the reception desk were more posters featuring different vaccines for hepatitis and diagrams of genital regions.

Emma retook her seat behind the desk. “There’s only Dr. Priest and a PA still here. I’ll get her.”

“Can I help you?” A tall, dark-haired woman in a white coat emerged from the treatment room. “I’m Dr. Priest.”

Gary flashed his badge again. “Detective Gary Mitchell, Homicide. We need to see a list of men who use this center for testing. Specifically linked to use of PrEP.”

She arched her eyebrows. “You should know I can’t share that information without a warrant.” She stilled. “Is this about the call I had from a detective earlier? Regarding the seven men who’ve been murdered?”

Emma gasped, and all heads turned in her direction. “Oh God. I should’veknownsomething was wrong when that guy came in here. He said he was here to book a test, but I recognized him right away.” She shivered. “He was probably checking the place out for vibes or something.”

And there was that sense of foreboding again, only heavier. “What guy?”

Emma frowned. “That psychic who’s helping you. The one in the papers.”

“Dan Porter was here?”So where is he now? And why isn’t he answering his phone?

“Yes. About forty-five minutes ago.” Emma peered at her monitor. “He made two appointments for Friday afternoon, one for himself and another guy.” She blinked. “Wow. Talk about a coincidence.” She raised her head to give Gary an inquiring glance. “Didn’t you say your name was Mitchell?”

Oh God.

“Yeah, he told me he was here to make an appointment,” he said quickly, before she could say anything else.

Beside him, Riley coughed, and Gary caught his blink before he turned his face away.

Guess the cat is out of the bag.Riley was no slouch in the brains department. Then Riley stiffened. “Is this everyone who works here?”

Gary peered past Riley’s shoulder to a whiteboard on the wall next to the treatment room. It had photos stuck on it—head shots—and what looked like names written under each one.

“Yes,” Dr. Priest told him. “The receptionists, doctors, PAs, nurses….”

Riley turned slowly. “Boss? You’d better see this.”

Gary moved in closer to look at the photo Riley indicated. It showed a thin-faced man with dark brown hair, a mustache and beard, and intense blue-gray eyes. What made Gary’s heart beat faster was the name beneath it.

Christopher Ludlow.

Gary turned to Dr. Priest, his mouth dry. “Has Mr. Ludlow already left the premises?” Beside him, Riley snuck his hand under his jacket, heading for his holster.

“He left a little early today, about four twenty-five. Said he wasn’t feeling well.”

Emma frowned. “I didn’t see him leave.”

“I think he went out the back way.”