Page 94 of In His Sights

“Wanna grab a coffee? There’s a place right around the corner.”

The last place Dan wanted to be was a coffee shop. “Sorry, but… I’ve heard ‘Aren’t you that psychic?’ more times than I wanted to.”

The man nodded. “Hey, I get that. I was just as bad, right? But I was going to suggest I grab two coffees to go. There’s a Dunkin’ Donuts up on Dorchester Ave and a playground nearby. We can sit on a bench or something.” He glanced up and down the street. “I don’t want to be overheard. You never know who’s listening, right?”

Dan smiled. A public place sounded perfect. “Sure. And seeing as you’re buying me a coffee and you already know my name, can I at least know yours?”

The guy smiled. “It’s Christopher Ludlow.”

Chapter 36

4:45 p.m.

CHRIST, MYhands were shaking as I dropped the Rohypnol into one of the cups.

How did this happen so fast?

I was still reeling from the shock of hearing that voicemail from the detective in charge of the case.How did the police get onto me?I analyzed my movements. I’d donenothingthat could’ve led them to me, I was sure of it. But when Dan Porter strolled into the clinic and I saw him through a crack in the door, I thought I was about to have a heart attack.


I had to think on my feet. No, more importantly, I had to get out of there. Because maybe I wasn’t as invisible as I’d thought.

I’d left by the rear door, making sure I couldn’t be seen from reception. Then I walked briskly out onto the street, got into my car, and drove. Except I hadn’t reached Dorchester Avenue before my panic receded and lucidity returned.

Smart people don’t get caught, remember? Only stupid people do that.

I had to formulate a plan, but there was no time.

What does he know? What brought him here?

Cold logic reasserted itself. Why the hell was I fleeing?

I drove the car into the first available parking lot, which was at Fields Corner East, my mind in overdrive. I got out, locked it, and glanced at my surroundings. The familiar sign gave me an idea. I headed quickly back down toward Dix Street. As soon as I turned the corner, I spied Porter ahead of me, coming out of the clinic, so I forced myself to walk calmly until I caught up with him. I felt naked without the hoodie. Someone could have seen us together.

It was far too late to be worrying about that.

Maybe when I was finished with Dan Porter, it would be time to pack my bags and move on. Leave the car at the bus station, buy a ticket to anywhere, and keep going. I wasn’t done yet, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t continue my task someplace different. I could even start again.

God knew I’d have enough candidates.

I glanced through Dunkin’s window to where Porter stood under the trees, waiting for me. I still couldn’t decide if he was oblivious to me or a supremely good actor. Even if he knew nothing, there was always the risk that would change when I handed him the cup.

Will he see me?

My heart hammered. It was a chance I’d have to take. Besides, once he drank the coffee, it was only a matter of ten minutes or so before the drug would take effect.

I could keep my distance for ten minutes.

I walked out of the shop and over to where he stood. “One black coffee.” I held my breath as he took it.

“So where did you want to sit?”

Nothing. No reaction.

I was almost giddy with relief. Before the day was out, he’d know exactly who I was and how blind he’d been, but until that point, I needed him to trust me.

I pointed. “Over there.” I led him through the parking lot and across the street to the playground. He followed me through the gap in the fence, and we went into the children’s park with its monkey bars, jungle gym, and slides. On the other side of the fence, a T-ball game was in progress, little kids in their uniforms, watched over by a couple of coaches. I pointed to a bench that overlooked the children’s park, and we sat, the traffic loud behind us as it roared along Dorchester Avenue.