Page 80 of In His Sights

GARY PAUSEDat the large wooden doors of Bigelow Chapel. “Are you sure about this?” The gray stone facade stood out against the lush green of the gardens surrounding it. Quiet organ music filtered through from the interior, mixed with the low hum of voices.

Dan frowned. “I’m here, aren’t I? Why would I change my mind?”

All the way to the chapel, one thought had occupied Gary’s mind.I’m being selfish.He wanted Dan there, but it wasn’t until they’d left his apartment that he realized what he was asking Dan to do. An intuitive, sensitive man, who was also a psychic, was about to walk into a chapel filled with mourners. A lot of emotion. Grief, maybe even anger and fear.

“If it gets too much, say the word and we’ll leave.”

Dan gazed at him with wide eyes. “You think I’d let you walk out of Cory’s funeral service? Don’t worry about me. I’m made of stronger stuff than that.” Then Dan slipped his hand around Gary’s. “I’m here for you, okay? If you need to lean on me, then you lean.” He smiled. “I think Cory would approve.”

Despite his aching heart, Gary chuckled. “Cory would be dancing in the aisle.” He took a deep breath, and they entered the chapel.

Little had changed since Brad’s funeral. The vaulted ceilings were as elegant and imposing as ever, and the sunlight spilling through the Great Rose Window above their heads illuminated the stonework with splashes of color.

Hey, Cory. God sent you rainbows.

“So many people here,” Dan murmured. “Looks like it’s standing room only.”

“Nina said she’d save me a seat. I’m sure there’ll be one for you too.”

“And if she asks who I am?”

Gary smiled. “Let’s go with friend for now.”

The chapel was packed. On either side of the center aisle, the wooden chairs had already filled, and more mourners stood in the alcoves framed by graceful arches.

He leaned into Dan and murmured, “Cory would have loved this. All these men, here for him.” The mourners were predominantly male, and amid the sea of black, he caught sight of yet more splashes of subdued color. He smiled to himself.Sorry, Cory. Not a sequin in sight.

He walked slowly toward the front, his chest tightening at the sight of the empty trestle before the altar where the coffin would be laid.

Then Nina stepped into view, looking elegant in a dark blue dress suit and matching hat. Gary forgot his own grief and hurried to greet her. They hugged, and when she released him, she smiled. “Great minds and all that. You didn’t wear black either.” She glanced at the mourners. “We’re not the only ones.” She gave Dan a quizzical glance.

“This is my friend, Dan Porter.”

Nina’s brow furrowed and then smoothed out. “Mr. Porter. Thank you for coming.”

“I didn’t meet your brother, but I know he was important to Gary.”

She swallowed. “Yeah. Gary was the brother he never had.” She pointed to a couple of empty chairs on the second row, each with a white Reserved card on them. “I’ve put you behind us.”

Gary glanced at her parents, who stood talking with an elderly couple. “How are they doing?”

“As you’d expect. We just need to get through today. It’ll be better after that, right? When we’ve all moved on?” She gazed at him with hope.

“Unfortunately, grief doesn’t work like that.” Gary kissed her cheek. “You never forget, you just have to accept it and carry on living.”

“I tried to help. Once they’d made the arrangements, Mom let me pick the music.”

He stilled. “Oh dear Lord.”

Her eyes glistened. “Cory would love it. That’s all I care about right now.” She gazed at the crowds of people. “Maybe I should have booked TD Garden after all.”

The celebrant approached them. “I think we’re ready to begin,” he said in a low voice.

Nina straightened. “On with the show.” She removed a Kleenex from her purse and wiped her eyes. “God bless the guy who invented waterproof mascara.” She squeezed Gary’s hand. “We’ll talk more later.” Then she took her place on the front row between her parents and a tall young man who Gary assumed was her fiancé, David.

“That was an odd phrase to use to describe a funeral,” Dan murmured as they shuffled into their row.

The congregation rose as music filled the air, and Gary suppressed the urge to laugh as Liza Minelli’s voice poured from the sound system.