Page 71 of In His Sights


Del coughed. “Our killer doesn’t seem to rate Mr. Porter’s abilities very highly.”

Riley moved to Gary’s side. “You have to tell him. He needs to know.”

Lewis’s splutter broke the quiet. “Are you for real? He needs to walk away from this case, like, yesterday. He’s a target.” His words rang out, and Gary had no doubt the volume was deliberate.

“Sonowyou’re worried about him?” He suppressed his rising ire. “Don’t exaggerate. Dan’s not a target. Far from it. The killer is simply telling us he doesn’t see Dan as a threat, and it’s not going to slow him down.” He knew Riley was right, however. Dan had to know.

He scanned the room. “Same MO, I see.” It was all there: the GHB, rope, cuffs, soiled condom…. “No phone?”

“No. No sign of it.” Lewis’s face contorted. “Jesus. This guy is only twenty-five. He’s so young.”

“I agree.” Del gazed at the body, his eyes dull. “I’ll be performing the autopsy tomorrow.”

“I won’t be there, but I’m sure Riley will.” Gary’s chest constricted. “I have a funeral to attend.”

“I’ll be there,” Riley assured Del.

“What do we know about the victim?” Gary asked.

“He lived here with two roommates, according to the lady downstairs. She rents out the apartment. Both of them were away this weekend.”

“When did death occur, approximately?”

Del stroked his chin. “Last night. I can’t be more specific than that right now.”

“And did she see anyone?”

“She heard footsteps on the stairs, but she didn’t pay any attention to them,” Lewis reported. “She said there were always guys coming and going. But she didn’t hear anything suspicious.” He pulled a face. “The invisibility cloak strikes again.”

“The officers have already processed this room. Before I have the body removed, do you want to invite Mr. Porter to…?” Del arched his eyebrows. “I’m not sure what verb I’d use to describe what he does.”

“I’ll go get him.” Gary turned and headed for the door, only to find Dan standing on the other side, his brow furrowed.

“What’s going on?” Dan gestured to the officers. “I’m getting some strange glances out here,” he added under his breath.

Gary stood aside. “Come see for yourself.”

Dan walked into the bedroom and over to the bed. He stood there in silence, staring at the victim, his body language affording no clue to his thoughts. Gary forced himself to watch without comment. At last, Dan turned to face him.

“You were going to try to hide this from me, weren’t you?” Dan rolled his eyes. “If the whole of Boston knows about my involvement, it’s a safe bet the killer does too. Andhethinks I can’t help you.” Before Gary could respond, Dan forged ahead. “So let’s prove him wrong.” He glanced at Riley. “Is it safe to touch stuff in here?”

“Yup. Already dusted for prints. Do you want us to leave you alone to concentrate?”

Dan shook his head. “By now you know what to expect.”

Del asked his assistants to withdraw but made no move to follow them. Gary gave him an inquiring glance, and he shrugged. “I’m curious. How did Shakespeare put it? Something about more things in heaven and earth…. But if Mr. Porter wants me to leave, I’ll do so.”

Dan waved his hand. “You can stay. Just give me a moment. This could all be for nothing.”

“Let’s hope what we’ve had so far doesn’t turn out to be a flash in the pan,” Lewis murmured. Gary aimed a glare in his direction, but Lewis wasn’t looking.

Dan touched the victim, and Gary couldn’t miss his flinch. “There it is again.”

“There’s what?”

“Surprise.” Dan met his gaze. “He knew the killer.” He picked up the cuffs and closed his eyes, and it felt as if the air became electrically charged. The hairs on Gary’s arms stood to attention.