Page 59 of In His Sights

And what about now?

He couldn’t explain his reaction to Dan—mentalandphysical—but he was definitely drawn to him. No,tuggedwas a better description. When Dan was around, Gary found it increasingly difficult to focus. Despite needing to keep a lid on his emotions in order to do his job, he felt powerless to resist that tug.


He blinked. “Sorry. I zoned out for a moment.”

Dan expelled a long breath. “I said I’ll stay.”

His heart pounded. “Are you sure?”

“No, but I’m staying anyway.” Dan squared his shoulders. “I want to see this killer stopped, and I want to be part of the investigation that stops him.”

Thank God.

“I’ll go see Travers now. I’ll make sure he understands that keeping you safe is a priority.” He got to his feet. “Do me a favor? Stay here today? Let me set things up so you’ll have protection.”

“I don’t need protection. Well, not at the moment. And I don’t want Travers going to any special lengths to keep me safe. If I’m only ever in two places—here or with you—then I’m safe enough.” He smiled. “Though if the offer to be my bodyguard still stands, I won’t refuse. What sane man would do that?”

Gary stilled.Did you just flirt with me?

Dan stood too. “I’ll see you out, and then I’ll lock my door. I’ll make do with room service for a while.”

The thought of Dan holed up in his hotel room while the killer was free to do whatever he desired sent heat flushing through Gary. “It’s almost the weekend. I’ll make sure I’m not working, and if you want to eat out or go for a walk or something, I’ll be here for you.”

Iwantto be here for you.

Dan’s smile lit up his face. “Thank you.” He glanced at his surroundings. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s a classy hotel, but all I’ve seen since yesterday morning are these four walls. A walk sounds awesome.” He glanced at his robed body. “And maybe now is a good time to put some clothes on.”

There it was again, the tantalizing thought of what lay beneath the layer of fluffy white cotton.

Dear Lord, I need to get out of here.

“I’ll see myself out. Lock the door after me.” He grabbed his paper bag containing a probably stone-cold McMuffin, and hurried to the door. In the hallway he waited until he heard the lock click into place before heading for the elevator.

As the doors slid shut, he could still hear Dan’s words in his head.Though if the offer to be my bodyguard still stands, I won’t refuse. What sane man would do that?

No, he hadn’t imagined it. Dan Porter had definitely been flirting with him—and Gary didn’t know what to make of it.

I told him we need him.That wasn’t the whole truth.

Gary needed him.

Chapter 22

Friday, June 1

GARY KNOCKEDon Travers’s door, opening it when Travers barked out, “Come in.” Travers was sitting at his desk, staring at a computer screen and chewing on the end of a pen.

“How was the training day?” Gary asked.

Travers rolled his eyes. “A waste of time.” He flung his pen down with a scowl. “Still no luck trying to find out who leaked Porter’s involvement to the press. That photo…. They didn’t even bother to blur the background.” He leaned back in his chair. “I got your email yesterday. I have to say, I’m impressed Porter still wants to work with us on this. That man has balls.” He frowned. “Unlike the spineless little shit who took that photo of him.” Travers steepled his fingers. “Okay, bring me up to speed with your progress.”

Gary wasn’t ready to abandon the topic. “Look, about Dan… I’ll be honest. I’m not happy about it. I’ve promised we’ll keep him safe. I know he’s not in any danger, but—”

“But we have no way of knowing what will happen. I agree. We don’t want a repeat of Chicago. Little wonder there was no mention of this in the records. Chicago PD dropped the ball on that one.” He gave Gary an inquiring glance. “What do you have in mind?”

“From now on I’ll pick him up from his hotel and take him back there when he’s done. I’ve also told him I’ll be with him this weekend. I’m not happy about him being on his own.”