Page 53 of In His Sights

And I pray to God he’s sitting right in front of me.

“Then I hope you find him.” Gary glanced at his watch. “I should go.”

Don’t. Please don’t.“Can I ask a case-related question?”

He stilled. “Sure.”

“The bottles of GHB at the crime scenes… did they have any prints on them?”

“Not one.”

“And what about today?”

Gary smiled. “You’re a smart man. There were prints on it, but they belonged to the deceased. Yet another argument for this being the work of a copycat.”

“Then might I suggest another line of inquiry? See if you can locate any of Robin Fields’s exes. Find out if he ever used drugs during sex.”

“You don’t think he did, do you?”

Dan shook his head. “It would’ve been easy enough to press his fingers to the bottle when he was dead, wouldn’t it? To make it look as if he was the last person to touch it. And while you’re at it, check the papers, the news sites. Maybe word has gotten out about the GHB. I’m not suggesting that’s what killed him—I think it was simply there as a prop.” He glanced at the box. “You can’t leave yet. You haven’t eaten your pie.”

Gary smiled, and the light in his eyes set Dan’s pulse racing again. “Then I’d better stay and eat it.”

Dan picked up the remote. “I was going to find a movie to watch. Something familiar that doesn’t require deep thought.” He hesitated, then continued, “You could stay and watch it with me. Unless you’re leaving because there’s somewhere else you have to be.”

Stay. Please stay.

“I was going home to eat, that’s all.”

“Then eat with me.” Dan grabbed the in-room dining menu.

Gary’s eyes twinkled. “I thought the food here didn’t grab you.”

“They do mac and cheese.” He rolled his eyes. “It’s pretty difficult to ruin that.Andthere’s a blueberry pizza.”

Gary’s lips parted. “Blueberry… pizza?”

He nodded. “With vanilla cream cheese, hazelnuts….”

“Stop with the sales talk. You had me at blueberries.” Then he glanced at the white box. “Except… we’ve got chocolate cream pie, remember?”

Dan grinned. “Two desserts. Works for me.” He handed Gary the remote. “You can choose the movie.”

“You sure?”

He smiled. “I trust you.”For reasons I might never share with you.

That didn’t stop him longing to do just that.

Chapter 19

Wednesday, May 30

“YOU GONNAtell me where we’re going?” Lewis asked as Gary took the turnoff and headed west along the 139. “Apart from seeing this Silver guy.”

“To a construction site off 3-A. They’re laying a water main. I spoke with the crew’s foreman. Silver is there.”

“Do we not need the Boy Wonder for this one?” When Gary glanced at him, Lewis held up one hand. “Hey, relax, I got the memo. I was just wondering why you didn’t bring him along, that’s all.”