Page 51 of In His Sights

“What ifis a fool’s game. I’m going on record to say I think this is a bad idea, putting all our eggs in one basket.”

“Duly noted. Except we’re not. Let’s assume Robin Fields is victim number seven, and the absence of both a letter carved into his back and a soiled condom means the killer was having an off day. So we go down the same route as all the others: Grindr, phone records….” He paused. “Was Robin’s cell phone at the scene?”

Lewis nodded. “On the nightstand.”

“Okay, so we chalk that up as yet another anomaly. What does that leave us with? A killer who murders six men in exactly the same way, his MO not wavering in the slightest, and then suddenly ditches said MO for his next victim?” He peered at Lewis. “We explore both avenues. We check everything, like we always do. So go check. But before you do….” He drew himself up to his full height and looked Lewis square in the face. “I get that you have pretty fixed opinions about some things. I’m not saying you should keep them to yourself. But if I were to repeat some of those opinions—to Travers, for instance—I’ve got a good idea what he’d say.”

Lewis froze. “Yeah? Never mind Travers. What doyousay?”

“That you’re exhibiting borderline intolerance.”For God’s sake, tell him. “No, that’s not right. I think you’ve already crossed the line.”

Lewis said nothing, but his face tightened.

“So maybe it’s time for you to decide if you’re going to be part of the solution of these murders or a problem to be dealt with.” He lowered his voice. “You’re a good cop, Lewis. Or at least you were until this. I want to work with the guy who had flashes of inspiration, the one I could rely on. Don’t make me take this further up, okay?”

He swallowed. “Gotcha.” Lewis walked out of the room.

Gary sank into one of the chairs, his gut feeling as if it were in a twist. They were the same rank, but damn it, someone had to put Lewis straight, and it had to be better coming from him than from Travers. One point Lewis had made had struck home, however.

Is he right? Is my judgment skewed where Dan’s concerned?

One thing was certain. Dan Porter messed with his head.

Chapter 18

DAN OPENEDhis eyes. His phone buzzed on the nightstand. He reached for it, his sleep-befuddled fingers missing it the first time before he finally curled them around it, the vibrations traveling up his arm. He stabbed at the screen when his bleary eyes picked out Gary’s name. “Hey.” His head felt heavy.

There was a pause. “I woke you, didn’t I? I’m sorry.”

“S’okay. I didn’t intend to sleep this long. What time is it anyway?” He focused on the screen. “Oh my God. It’s four o’clock.” Dan sat up. “Do you need me? I can be there in—”

“Relax. I was only calling to say you could rest easy. Riley and I are going through the crossover list—again—and Lewis is checking out a new lead, but we’re almost done for the day.” Another pause. “Plus I was worried about you.”

An effusion of warmth spread through him. “Thanks for the concern, but you don’t need to worry about me.” When Gary fell silent, goose bumps broke out on his arms. “Gary? Something wrong?”

“Would it be okay if I stopped by your hotel? Just for a chat.”

Dan took in his room in one glance. “Sure. When were you thinking of?” Hopefully after he’d cleaned up the place.

“Maybe in an hour? And to sweeten the deal, I promise not to turn up empty-handed.”

You could turn up naked and it wouldn’t bother me none.

He chuckled. “Sounds like an offer I can’t refuse. Buzz me when you get here. I’ll have to come down. It’s one of those places where you need a key card to use the elevators. I’ll meet you in the lobby.”

“See you then.” Gary disconnected.

The prospect of Gary’s visit sent a welcome burst of energy tingling through him, and he launched himself from the bed, heading for the bathroom. A hot shower would make him feel human again. Except that was bullshit, and he knew it.

He wanted to be at his best for Gary.

DAN EYEDthe white cardboard box with interest. “What’s in there?” He’d picked up a hint of chocolate in the elevator coming up to the room. “And iced coffee… how did you know?”

“It was a hunch. I get them now and then.” Gary opened the lid to reveal…

Dan grinned. “Chocolate cream pie. Oh, I like you.” He leaned against the seat cushions, holding his plastic cup in one hand, and sucked on the straw. “Damn. You were right. Good coffee.”

Gary glanced at the room. “Wow. Very nice. You even get a couch.”