Page 107 of In His Sights

“I knew it was a mistake bringing you in on this.” Lewis grabbed his cup and took a long drink from it, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “As soon as you held that ring and you knew who Cory Peterson was, I realized you were no hokey fake. You were the genuine article. And every day since then, I’ve been afraid of you, of what you’d see. Jesus, I’ve been so fucking scared.” He nursed the cup in his hands. “There was always a chance someone in the press would say who leaked the info, but when that didn’t happen, I figured I was safe as long as I stayed the fuck away from you.” He met Dan’s gaze. “You were right, okay? About everything. And when you touched me just now….” Lewis shivered. “I knew the game was up.”

“Watson.” Travers addressed Riley in a quiet voice. “Take Stevens out of here. Get a statement. I’ll deal with this mess later.”

“Sure.” Riley got up and walked over to where Lewis sat. “Come on.” He touched his shoulder.

As Lewis followed him to the door, Dan blurted out, “I had to say something. You know that, right?”

Lewis paused. “Yeah, I know. I was a fool to think I could hide it forever. It’s a miracle I made it this far.” And then he walked out of the room.

Dan sagged into his chair. “That was… intense.”

Travers cleared his throat. “Mr. Porter, you’ve been… amazing. I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done.” He expelled a breath. “Even though you may not have wanted to do some of it.”

“I was glad to help with the case. I’m only sorry about the collateral damage.” He’d ruined a man’s life.

No, I haven’t. Lewis did that four years ago. It was his choice, remember?

“I know you must be anxious to get back to New Hampshire,” Travers continued.

Not as anxious as you might think.He wasn’t ready to leave Boston yet.

Gary. He wasn’t ready to leave Gary.

“However, I had an idea. I need to see if the chief will run with it—so technically I shouldn’t even be mentioning it until he gives me the go-ahead—but I wanted to see if it was something you’d consider.”

Gary chuckled. “You’re being way too mysterious. Just come right out with it.”

Dan nodded. “You’ve got me intrigued too.”

Travers sat back in his chair, his fingers laced. “You have an incredible gift, Mr. Porter. Would you consider using that gift to help us on a more permanent basis?”

What the…?“In what way, exactly?”

“We have a backlog of cold cases, some dating back many years, long before DNA testing had even been thought of. But with present-day technology andyourgift… I feel we could solve some of those cases.” He shrugged. “No one likes to admit defeat. I’m sure Detective Mitchell will understand how much it would mean to some people to be able to close the book on the death or disappearance of a loved one, even after so many years.” Travers smiled. “It’s just an idea, but… at least think about it.”

Talk about coming out of left field…. “I’ll consider it. I make no promises, mind you.”

“That’s all I ask. And besides, the chief might listen to my proposal and the first thing out of his mouth is going to be ‘We don’t have the budget.’”

Gary stood. “If that’s all, I’m going to take Dan back to his hotel. After everything he’s been through the past few days, I think it’s time he got some sleep.”

Dan had to fight the urge to smirk.

Travers glanced at the wall clock and nodded. “It’s time we all got some sleep.” He got up and walked around the desk, his hand extended. His eyes twinkled. “Shaking hands with you is a risky business. Who knows what deep dark secrets you’ll uncover.”

Dan chuckled. “The fact that you’re willing to take my hand says a lot.” They shook. “Thanks for the whiskey.”

“Dutch courage, I suppose. It can’t have been easy, telling us about Lewis.” Travers frowned. “You think you know a man….” Then he straightened. “Good night, Mr. Porter. And Mitchell… well done.”

They walked out of the office. Gary was silent, and no psychic ability was required to know what was running through his mind.

“I know,” Dan murmured. “The shock I felt when I touched Paul’s necklace…. I didn’t want to believe it, but I had to accept it. The visions don’t lie, and it explained too many things.”

“You couldn’t lie either,” Gary observed. “But you were right. It had to come out. And it’s no one’s fault but Lewis’s. He chose that path.”

“And then he walked away from it,” Dan added. “Don’t forget that part.” He was still ruminating that unexpected proposal. “Travers wants me to work with you on those cases, doesn’t he?”

“That was my impression.”