Page 104 of In His Sights

He didn’t know if he’d imagined Dan’s voice in his head, but it sounded so real, and the edge of fear running through it was enough to force him into action.

“We’re going in.”

7:45 p.m.

“I DIDN’T KNOW,all right?” Christopher’s cheeks were flushed. “I thought he was okay. I asked him enough times to come home, and when he didn’t, I figured he was getting along fine. He was twenty-six years old, for Christ’s sake. He wasn’t a kid. He’d been through college. He could take care of himself.”

“But he couldn’t, could he?” Dan’s heart pounded. “I’m going to make sure no more gay men pay the price for your overwhelming sense of guilt.”

“And how are you going to do that from the fuckinggrave?” Christopher yelled. He lurched out of his chair and towered over Dan, his hands clenching and unclenching. “Tell me, Mr. Psychic. Did your gift reveal exactly how I killed those men? Did you feel the fear that seeped from their pores, only they couldn’t move, thanks to the ketamine? Did you feel the prick as I slowly pushed the needle into their bodies? No? Then maybe it’s time you did. Because we are fuckingdone.” He yanked open the drawer, and Dan’s throat seized when he saw the small bottle and the hypodermic. Christopher inserted the needle into the neck of the bottle with precision, pulling on the stopper to draw out the clear liquid. Dan’s heart fluttered; he was unable to tear his gaze away from the sliver of metal in Christopher’s hand that was coming at him, closer, closer, closer….

Strong fingers gripped his arm, holding him steady, and the metal tip scratched the skin on Dan’s neck.

Dan filled his lungs and screamed at the top of his voice, “Gary!”

And before the cold needle entered his body, from beyond the curtains, a voice yelled, “Police, Mr. Ludlow!”

Christopher froze. “What the fuck? No.No!” He jerked his hand, and the movement scraped the needle over Dan’s skin.

It wasn’t intentional, but it unfroze Dan.Now. Move.He threw himself forward, toppling the chair and knocking Christopher to the ground. As Christopher scrambled to his feet, the sound of wood splintering and breaking glass filled Dan with blessed relief, and both Riley and Gary tumbled into the room.

“Careful! He has a syringe!” Dan hollered.

Gary lunged, flattening Christopher against the floor, and Riley grabbed his wrist, forcing him to drop the needle. Then he was on him too, cuffs in his hands, grabbing Christopher’s arms and tugging them behind him. Once they had him pinned, Gary jerked his head up to stare at Dan with wide eyes.

“Did he inject you? Do we need paramedics?”

Dan shuddered, his legs shaking. “It didn’t go in.”

“Thank God.” Gary waited until Christopher stopped struggling. “Christopher Ludlow, you are under arrest for the murders of Trey Hopkins, Denver Wedel, Geoff Berg, Vic Zerbe, Marius Eisler, Cory Peterson, and Jack Noonan, and for the abduction and attempted murder of Dan Porter. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot—”

Christopher craned his neck to glare at Dan, his face red, his cheeks blotchy. “You know what? I made a difference. I wasn’t the first, and I willnotbe the last.”

Dan’s throat was still raw from his scream, and he simply stared at Christopher.

Gary continued Mirandizing him, and by the time he’d finished, Lewis came in through the busted doors, along with three uniformed officers. Gary and Riley got off of Christopher, and two officers hauled him to his feet.

“Get him out of here,” Lewis told them. “But take him out the front way. We wouldn’t want him to cut himself on all that glass, right?” The officers held Christopher firmly between them, and the third officer went ahead to open the front door.

Dan waited until they were out of sight before allowing himself to breathe more evenly.It’s over.

Gary unfastened Dan’s ankles and wrist and rubbed them. “Are you okay?” He and Riley helped Dan to his feet, and Riley righted the chair so he could sit.

“I’m gonna get one of the boys to call Dispatch,” Lewis said. He stared at the wall. “Jesus, would you look at that? The CSIs are gonna love this.”

“I’ve seen enough, thank you,” Dan croaked. Lewis strode out of the room.

Riley cleared his throat. “I’m gonna give you two a moment alone, okay? I’ll be right outside that door.”

Dan blinked, but Gary didn’t miss a beat. “Thanks, Riley. Appreciated.”

Riley paused. “And by the way? Whatever you have going on? It’s no one’s business but yours, so in my book, that means nobody needs to know about it.” Then he stepped carefully over the busted door frame and glass, and out into the evening air.

Gary knelt in front of Dan. “I thought I’d be too late.” Then he leaned in, and Dan lost himself in a fervent kiss.

“I knew you’d come,” he murmured between kisses.

Gary looked him in the eye. “I heard you.”