Page 72 of In His Sights

Then Dan opened his eyes, and Gary knew. “You felt something.”

“It was more a case of hearing something. A phrase. Except it feels more important than that. Almost as if….” He stared at the body again.

“As if what?” There was an undercurrent of excitement in Riley’s voice.

Dan took a step back. “It’s a mantra.”

“Whatis?” Gary demanded.

Dan expelled a breath. “It’s as if the killer was repeating it, over and over, while he was….” He shuddered, then inhaled deeply. “I’m doing this for you.” He returned to the bed and laid his hand on the victim’s back. Dan jerked his head up to stare at Gary. “I’m not getting any feeling of pleasure from the act. Raping them—”

“Then itwasrape?” Riley’s face fell. Gary caught Del’s sharp intake of breath.

Dan nodded. “It was against their will. But isn’t rape more about power than sex?” He stepped back, scraping his fingers through his hair. “This feels as if it’s a means to an end. It’s one of many steps he goes through before he kills them.” His eyes locked on Gary’s. “But that mantra—his motive lies in there. I’m sure of it.” Then his shoulders slumped. “God. That wiped me out.”

“Take Dan back to the precinct,” Riley suggested. “Lewis and I can finish up here.” He peered at Dan. “Unless you want to go back to the hotel?”

Dan’s expression was grim. “Not today. I want to spend some time with all the evidence from the crime scenes.” Another glance at the body. “So he thinks I’m a joke, does he? He won’t be laughing when I help you catch him.” His facial muscles were tight, his jaw set.

Gary regarded him with warm approval.

Looks like the killer isn’t the only one with a fire lit under him.


He blinked. “What’s up?”

Gary stood beside him, a twinkle in his eyes. “Do you know what time it is?”

He glanced at his phone and blinked again. “Seriously?”

“Time to call a halt. For one thing, you need a decent meal inside you, not a couple of protein bars.” He gestured to the evidence bags piled high on the table. “Did you get anything?”

“Not really.” His neck was bent, his shoulders drooped. “I didn’t want to leave until I—”

“Enough.” Gary’s voice was low and firm. “Leave it for tonight. You can spend all day in here tomorrow. I won’t be around, so that’ll be one less person to distract you.”

Dan regarded him steadily but said nothing. He couldn’t deny Gary was a distraction, albeit a welcome one at times. Then he remembered where Gary would be, and his heart quaked.You shouldn’t be alone. Not tomorrow. Not when it’s time to finally say goodbye.Then cold surged through him.And what about when it’s time for me to leave? What if I don’twantto say goodbye?

Gary grabbed Dan’s jacket from the back of the chair. “And now I’ll take you to the hotel.”

He was too tired to argue.

As they walked to the car, he was aware of Gary’s scrutiny. When they reached the parking lot and Gary still hadn’t spoken, Dan came to an abrupt halt at the gate. “Why don’t you come right out and say whatever’s on your mind?”

Gary lowered his gaze. “Maybe Lewis is right. Maybe you need to walk away from this.”

He was shocked into silence.

Gary aimed his key fob at the car and clicked. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

The car sped through the Boston streets, and with every mile Dan’s mind lurched further into panic mode.

I can’t go. Not yet.

He didn’t dare speak for fear he’d blurt out something that was better off hidden, but the nearer they got to the hotel, the tighter his chest became.

Fuck it.