Page 62 of In His Sights

“Actually, we’ve made a lot of progress during the last two days.”

Beside Gary, Riley scanned the statement. “You’ve mentioned a couple of things here that need a little clarification, if that’s okay.”


“You’ve stated you were away for the weekend, visiting your family.”

“That’s correct.”

“Where do they live? Where did you go?”

Dalmont frowned. “My parents live in Springfield. What does this have to do with Robin’s murder?”

“So you were in Springfield the whole weekend?”

“Didn’t I say that in here?” Dalmont reached across the table and tapped the statement with a manicured fingernail.

“You did, but we’ll come back to that in a moment. Do you know who the beneficiaries are in Robin’s will?” Riley removed a sheet from the folder.

Dalmont stuck his chin out. “I haven’t seen a copy of his will, so I wouldn’t know.”

“I see. Well, you’ll be delighted to know Robin did make provision for you. According to the will he had drawn up early last month, apart from the sum of ten thousand dollars which he left to Simon Westfall, the remainder of his fortune—comprising his property and all his assets—goes to you, in anticipation of your marriage.”

Dalmont’s jaw dropped. “I… I had no idea. What a generous man he was.”

Gary frowned. “Okay,nowI’m confused.”

“About what?”

“You just stated you didn’t know about the new will, and yet….” Gary removed another sheet from the folder, and Dalmont’s gaze locked on it like an Exocet missile. “You told Axel Washington all about it on May twelfth.”

Dalmont sat very still. “Who?”

“Axel Washington. You remember him, surely. You visited his apartment at 22 Abbotsford Street, Roxbury.”

“I don’t know anyone called Axel Washington, and I don’t recognize that address either.”

Riley tapped the sheet. “We have his statement right here, along with the records from Grindr showing the two of you making contact on May tenth and arranging to meet May twelfth. It showed up on your phone records too.”

Dalmont reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a phone. “There’s been a mistake. I don’t have Grindr on my phone. See for yourself if you don’t believe me.”

“That proves nothing. You could’ve deleted the app. But for clarification purposes…. Is this phone’s number 585-301-4986?” Dalmont nodded, and Gary smiled. “But what about your other phone?”

Beats of silence.

Then Dalmont cleared his throat. “What… other phone?”

Gary peered at the sheet. “484-457-8754.” He raised his head. “We have records for both phones, registered in your name. I’m assuming Robin didn’t know about the second phone. Was that in case he checked the other one?”

“I can understand why you’d do that,” Riley commented. “For a man who claims he and his fiancé were in a monogamous relationship, it might be a little awkward to explain all the hookups.” He peered at the sheet in front of them and blinked. “My, there were a lot of them.”

Dalmont was doing an excellent impression of a statue.

Gary folded his arms. “The GHB we found in the nightstand drawer. Was it yours?”

Dalmont shook his head. “That was Robin’s. He….” His face flushed. “I’m sorry, but I feel our sex life should remain private.”

“I see. Unfortunately, this is a murder inquiry, so we have to ask these things. Robin liked to use GHB during sex?” Gary leaned back.