Page 48 of In His Sights

He pointed to the letters. “Seven murders. Six letters. P-R-E-E-X-P. Is the lack of a letter in this case meant to indicate a space? It doesn’t make sense. Unless itisa copycat, and Robin Fields’s death has nothing to do with the others.” Gary frowned. “Something at the back of my mind is niggling me. For some reason I keep thinking of Agatha Christie.”

“Hey, if you want her for a consultation, you’re talking to the wrong person. I don’t see dead people, remember?”

Gary chuckled. “Another of my favorite movies. Even if I did piss Cory off the first time we saw it. Not to mention most of the people sitting near us in the movie theater.”

“How did you do that?”

“We got to the part where Bruce Willis is having dinner with his girlfriend or wife, and Bruce is doing all the talking. I turned to Cory and said, ‘Hey, what if she’s not replying because he’s dead and she can’t see him?’ Cory glared at me and said if I’d just guessed the plot, he was never going to the movies with me ever again.” Gary smiled. “He lied, of course.”

Dan gaped. “Oh my God.”


He couldn’t freaking believe this. “I did the same thing. I mean, I had the same thought, but I wasn’t in a movie theater. We were watching it on TV, and the thought slipped out. My dad looked at me and said, ‘Well, you’d know, wouldn’t you?’” What surprised him was how much the remark still burned.

“You said your parents don’t talk about it, but that’s not the whole story, is it?”

Dan looked him in the eye. “You know, you may not be psychic, but you’re very intuitive.”And attractive. Damn, you’re attractive.But there was more to Gary than his appearance. Not for the first time, it occurred to him that heknewGary. How Gary’s body felt against his. The intimate sounds he made when he fucked, punctuating each thrust. The gentle touch of Gary’s hands on his body as they rocked together, locked into a sensual harmony.

His name on Gary’s lips when they came together.

Back on track. Get your mind back on track, for God’s sake.

He drank a little more to steady his nerves. “The best way I can describe it is… there’s a wall between us, and they were the ones who built it.” Gary flinched, and Dan’s throat tightened. “What did I say?”

Gary swallowed. “You got me near the bone, that’s all. Not something I want to talk about, okay?”

“It’s okay.” Dan kept his voice soft and soothing, as though he were inching closer to a skittish horse. And there it was again, the urge to reach out and touch, toconnect….

The door opened, and the moment shattered. Lewis came into the room. “Officers contacted Robin Fields’s boyfriend, Quinn Dalmont. He’s here, and he wants to know what we’re doing to find Robin’s killer.”

“He can wait a minute. What turned up on the CCTV recordings?”

“A guy in a hoodie. Couldn’t see his face. And he knew where the cameras were, because he didn’t look once in their direction. He didn’t knock at the door, though. He used a key and strolled right on in there.”

“Did you speak to Robin’s neighbors on his floor?”

“Yeah. Robin didn’t have a lot of visitors. They said Dalmont moved in about a year ago.”

“The guy in the hoodie part… that’s been in the papers. Interviews with neighbors of the victims.”

An officer stuck his head around the door. “The desk sergeant says to let you know this Dalmont guy looks pretty distraught. Says he wants to speak to the detectives in charge, like, now.”

“Then let’s talk to him.” Gary thanked the officer, who withdrew. He glanced at Dan. “You can watch the interview via the camera.”

Lewis’s face darkened for a second, but he said nothing.

Dan followed them to the interview rooms, where Riley waited for them.

“You and I will conduct the interview,” Gary told him. “Lewis, stay with Dan and show him where he can watch.”

Lewis’s brow furrowed. “I’m not a babysitter.”

“No one said you were. For God’s sake.”

Dan’s stomach clenched. He had no idea how Gary and Lewis had gotten along before his arrival, but their interactions left a sour taste in his mouth.

Riley patted Gary’s arm. “It’s okay. You two go in, but make sure you lead the questions.” He fired Lewis a glance. “I’ll stay with Dan.” Riley gave Dan a warm smile. “You come with me, and I’ll get you the best seat in the house.”