Page 34 of In His Sights

“Even if Iwasn’tstraight, that’s nothing to do with you.” Gary’s face grew hot. “And it’s certainly not something you should be commenting on.”

Dan cleared his throat. “If it’s okay with you, I’ll go back to the hotel. I need a rest.”

“You do that,” Lewis murmured.

Gary fired him a glance. “I’ll walk you out,” he told Dan. He waited while Dan picked up the jacket he’d hung over the back of the chair, then led him out of the case room and through the hallway. When they reached the main entrance, he paused. “If you’re tired, we don’t have to meet up later.”

Dan smiled. “I still need to eat, don’t I? And besides, you said the food was good.” He removed his wallet from his pocket and pulled out a business card. “That’s my cell. Text me with the address of the restaurant. What time are we eating?”

“Seven?” Gary took the card.

Dan nodded. “That gives me time to have a couple hours sleep. I got very little last night.” He cocked his head. “Good luck with whatever you’re doing now.”

“Reading reports, writing reports, reading statements—the dull parts the TV shows leave out.”

“But those are the parts that get the job done.” He locked gazes with Gary. “You’ll get him. I can feel it.”

“As Riley says so often, from your lips to God’s ears.” Gary watched as Dan walked away from the building, a slim, elegant figure who moved with grace.

You just rocked my world to its foundations, Mr. Porter.

In less than twenty-four hours, Gary had gone from being a total skeptic to someone who believed.

More than that—someone who had hope.

Chapter 13

DAN STEPPEDout of the shower and reached for a towel from the handrail. The nap had done him a world of good, and he was hungry. He ignored the temptation to call room service: He didn’t want to spoil his appetite. A glance at the Noodle Barn’s photos online had him salivating, and he was looking forward to the experience.

He wasn’t sure if he felt the same way about spending an evening with Gary Mitchell.

He’d made a great first impression, recognizing quotes from Dan’s favorite movies, thus establishing common ground. He’d been courteous—a damn sight more courteous than Lewis—and accommodating. All indications were that he was a fine detective and a thoroughly nice guy, but….

Dan knew what was fouling up his antenna—it was that scent. He was still clinging to the idea that it was coincidental, but his resolve was waning.

I want it to be him.

He’d waited long enough, hadn’t he? And if itwasGary then some greater power really liked Dan, becauseholy hell, he was freaking perfect.

I always did have a thing for redheads.

Excepthaving a thingwas as far as it had ever gotten. Once bitten and all that.

He’s my reward for all the crap I’ve endured for the last ten years or so.Although the concept made him smile, sending warmth curling through him, Dan doubted its veracity. The universe didn’t work like that, at least not where Dan had been concerned. Inhisuniverse he kept his distance from men he found attractive. Experience had taught him well.

His phone buzzed, and he walked over to the nightstand to pick it up. He peered at the screen and warmth became heat, spreading through his chest, up his neck, and reaching his face.

Gary here. Can I give you a ride? Parking can be a nightmare in Jamaica Plain, plus I know the area.

Dan’s thumbs got busy.Sounds good. When will you get here?

Seconds later, a reply pinged back.Six thirty?

Sure. See you then.He tossed the phone onto the bed, then sat.

An hour to wait.

An hour of tryingnotto think about Gary.