Page 16 of In His Sights

“How did you know that?” Rob asked.

“Oh dear Lord,” Riley whispered. He peered at the photo. “That’s… that’s you.”

“Disney. Florida. 2001. We went there to celebrate my birthday.” Fuck, he was cold. He turned to face Rob, who swallowed, his eyes filled with compassion. “I want to see him.”

“That’s not a good idea,” Lewis muttered.

Gary gaped at him. “I want to see him.”

Riley touched his arm. “Okay, okay.” His voice was soothing.

“Didn’t you recognize the address?” Lewis asked.

Gary shook his head. “He’d recently changed apartments.” It felt as if a razor blade had lodged in his throat. “Last Sunday he was complaining I hadn’t visited him yet.”Well, I finally got here, only, I was a little too late.

Rob pointed to a door. “He’s in there,” he uttered in a hushed, respectful tone.

Moving as if in a dream, Gary followed Riley into the bedroom. Del stood beside the bed, gazing at the figure lying facedown, his face to one side, naked but for the pale blue sheet covering his ass and lower back.

The blood stood out against the pastel shade.

Dull eyes stared at nothing.

“He’s been dead at least eighteen hours, but less than twenty-four at a guess,” Del observed. “The muscles haven’t released yet from rigor. I’d say he died last night.”

“Del, for Christ’s sake, hush,” Riley ground out. Del blinked, his eyebrows arched, and Riley indicated Gary with a slight tilt of his head. “He’s Gary’s friend.”

“Jesus.” Del paled. “Gary, I’m so sorry.” Then he frowned. “Should you be in here?”

“No, he shouldn’t,” Lewis gritted out. “And he’s leaving right now.”

Gary ignored him. “Another letter?” When Del didn’t respond, Gary shuddered out a breath. “Was there another letter?”

Del nodded. “APthis time.”

“There goes my theory,” Riley murmured.

“Any signs of forced entry?” Gary demanded. He strove to put a lid on his emotions. His stomach clenched, and he fought the nausea that threatened.

“Gary….” Lewis’s voice was uncharacteristically soft. “Dude, you can’t be here.”

He wasn’t looking at Lewis or Riley or the nightstand or anything else. All he could see was Cory’s face.

Riley tugged on his arm. “Come on.”

Gary allowed himself to be led from the room, Lewis following them. Lewis grabbed one of the police officers. “Take Detective Mitchell home.”

His words pierced the fog. “I’m not going home.”

“Then back to the precinct. Anywhere but here. Riley and I will stay. Okay?”

Riley’s eyes were kind. “He’s right.”

“I’m not leaving.” Gary’s jaw was tight.

“Yes, you are.” Lewis locked gazes with him. “You have a personal connection to the victim. And you’re not thinking straight.” He addressed the officer. “Lomax, take him back to the precinct. I’ll inform Lieutenant Travers of what’s going on.”

There was nothing to do but leave.