Page 110 of In His Sights

Del arched his eyebrows. “As we all know, meat wrapped in plastic still goes bad.” He stood, glancing up to the gaping hole in the ceiling. “A very weird situation indeed.”

“But that’s not the strangest part.” Mitchell carefully drew back the two flaps of plastic that partially covered the skeleton.

Del blinked. “I see what you mean.” Nestled within the wrapping were what resembled two vinyl pouches—very familiar pouches….

“Are they what I think they are?”

Del nodded. “Our unknown dead male had silicone breast implants.”

His first day in Boston, and he already had a mystery to solve.

Chapter One

Monday July 9, 2018

“DO I LOOKnervous?” Detective Gary Mitchell fingered the collar of his dark blue shirt, then adjusted his tie knot for what had to be the fifteenth time that morning.

Dan Porter rolled his eyes. “Will you quit fidgeting? And seeing as you’ve asked, yes. The more you fidget, the more nervous you appear. It’s only roll call, for God’s sake.”

It was way more than that, and they both knew it. Dan appeared calm. Actually he was immaculate, from his closely shaven square jawline to his characteristic quiff. His brown hair was swept up off his face, the warm brown tones matching his eyes, and his dark blue suit was impeccable with its matching shirt and purple brocade waistcoat.

As if he’d read Gary’s thoughts, Dan speared him with a look. “And if anyone should be nervous, it’s me. Right?”

Gary shoved aside his selfish qualms, his stomach clenching. “I’m sorry. You’re right.” Dan had nailed it. Lieutenant Travers’s announcement at the end of May that a psychic would be consulting on the case of a serial killer had been met mostly with incredulity and ill-disguised skepticism. It didn’t matter that Dan had subsequently helped them find the killer. Many of Gary’s coworkers dismissed the role Dan had played in catching him, but paradoxically they wouldn’t forget what Dan had revealed about one of their own.

Travers’s about-to-be-revealed news was sure to be met with yet more incredulity and derision.

Dan’s face glowed. “And that’s what I love about you—you admit when you’re at fault. Do you know what a rare trait that is?” He inched closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. “And if we weren’t about to go out there, I’d show you exactly how much I love you.”

Gary’s chest tightened. “I’m not ready.” It was still so new. Breathtaking, exciting, and stomach-churningly new. There were mornings when he woke to find Dan’s arms wrapped around him and had to pinch himself in reassurance that this was no dream.

Hearing Dan say he loved him made it an awesome dream.

“Ready for what?”

“For everyone to… know about us. About me.” Except he was pretty sure some people already knew.

Warm hands cupped his face. “You don’t have to tell anyoneanything, okay? It isn’t a law, you know, that you have to come out as bisexual. It’syourdecision, no one else’s.”

“Riley knows.” And in recent weeks, Gary had become increasingly aware of inquiring glances as he strolled through the precinct.

“But Riley won’t say a word, and you know it. Hell, he said as much last month. That night you rode in on your white horse and rescued me, remember?” Dan placed his hands on Gary’s shoulders. “And youknowI won’t do anything to make life awkward or uncomfortable for you. As far as I’m concerned, I’m here to do a job.” His eyes gleamed. “Let’s save everything else for when we’re alone. And while we might be alone at the moment….” He removed his hands. “Just in case someone walks in unexpectedly.”

“Good idea. Most of the people I work with don’t believe in knocking.” Then he added, “Except for Riley.”

There was a knock at the door, and Detective Riley Watson stuck his head around it. “You guys ready?”

Despite the butterflies in his stomach, Gary laughed. “Your timing is amazing.”

Riley entered the room and let out a low whistle as his gaze took in its contents. “I’m impressed. When you said Travers had found you an office, I expected something along the lines of the closet we were using.” It wasn’t huge by any means, but it had everything they needed—two desks with PCs, a printer-copier, a couple of filing cabinets, a free-standing whiteboard, and four chairs. No window, but Gary didn’t mind that.

Gary snorted. “What a difference a month makes. Plus a lot of support from the chief.”

And let’s hope that support is enough.Gary expected opposition.

“We’d better get out there. I saw Travers on his way just now.” Riley smirked. “I hope you two are prepared, because it looks as if the cat’s out of the bag already.”

“What do you mean?” Gary hadn’t heard a whisper, at least not about his new role.