Page 100 of In His Sights

Christopher’s eyes were watchful. “I didn’t give you a full dose. The side effects usually peak within two hours, but they can persist for longer. I wanted you awake. You’re probably feeling disoriented. That will pass.”

“Let me guess.” The words came out as a croak. “Rohypnol.”

Christopher grinned. “Clever man. You gave me quite a shock when I looked out of my treatment room and saw you there. How did you get onto me so fast?”

“I wasn’t looking for you. I only went there to make an appointment for a test.”

His face hardened for a second, and then he schooled his features. “A clevergayman, I see.” His brow furrowed. “You really didn’t suspect me?”

“All I know about you is your name and that you work at the clinic. And only because you told me.” That wasn’t the whole truth. He’d learned a little more than that when Christopher had put his arm around Dan to guide him to the car. “What do you do there?”

“I’m a physician’s assistant.”

Dan managed to raise his eyebrows. “And why would I suspectyou? Aren’t you trained to save lives, not take them?” He gazed at the wall once more, and cold settled on him in a heavy layer that seeped into his bones. “Oh my God. That guy you were telling me about? The one you suspected? You were talking about yourself.” He stared at the center photo. “That’s Paul, isn’t it? Your brother.”

“Right again. You’ll have to say hello for me. Because you’ll be seeing him long before I do.”

Dan knew Christopher’s words were meant to strike fear into his heart.

It was working.

“They’ll come looking for me.”

Christopher smiled. “Not if they don’t know where to look. No, they won’t ever find you.” He stroked his beard. “Icouldmake you victim number eight, but I don’t know enough about you for that. So you’ll be nothing more than a spare.”

“They can track my phone,” Dan blurted.

“Not if I’ve removed the battery. And I did that as soon as you were out.” He got up from his chair and walked over to a desk. Dan took that time to assess his surroundings. The room contained nothing but the desk and two chairs. Long curtains hid the windows, and he had no clue where he was.

Christopher opened a drawer. “Your phone can join my collection.”

“I have an appointment at your clinic on Friday.”

He gave Dan a smile that chilled his blood. “Then I’m afraid you’re going to miss it.”

Gary, where are you?

Why couldn’t I have been born telepathic instead of psychic?

LEWIS WASwaiting for them as Gary pulled into the precinct parking lot. “Any luck at the hotel?”

“No sign of him since he left there in an Uber this afternoon,” Gary informed him. “I’ve tried tracking his phone and Ludlow’s. Neither are showing up.” He gave Lewis a hopeful stare. “Tell me you had better luck.”

“I found a property registered to Christopher Ludlow in Quincy. Pawsey Street. And the license number of his car.”

“Then why are we still here? Get in the car and let’s go.”

Lewis leaned in and grabbed his arm. “Hey, wait a sec. We don’t have a warrant. What’s more, we have no hope of getting one. We’ve got DNA thatmightbe Ludlow’s, but we can’t prove that. Even if we had Ludlow’s to compare it to, the test takes too long. Dan could be dead by then.”

“We’ve got probable cause, all right?” Riley leaned across Gary, his voice rising. “A witness saw Ludlow take Dan to a car, and Dan was apparently in a bad way. Ludlow works as a PA at the clinic all the victims attended. Not to mention how his brother died. So I say we burn rubber and pray we’re not too late. As for what we’ll do when we get there? I guess we’re playing it by ear.” And with that, he gestured to the back seat. “Well, get in, then.”

Gary was offering up the same prayer.

7:20 p.m.

THERE HASto be a way to slow him down.

Christopher had started talking about Paul, and so far, there seemed no stopping him. Not that Dan was complaining. The longer he talked, the more minutes ticked by, giving Gary and the others a chance of finding him.