Dan opened his eyes, smiled, and a tingle of electricity zapped through Gary.
“The sixth victim, Kevin Donaldson.” Dan looked Wyler in the eye. “You didn’t kill him.”
Wyler gaped. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Watch your mouth,” the guard murmured.
Dan didn’t break eye contact. “It wasn’t you. Sure, you put your hand up to it. But it wasn’t you.”
Wyler froze, his jaw slack. “Who are you?” he whispered. “You’re not a cop.”
Dan smiled. “No, I’m not. I’m a psychic who’s working with the police.”
“Psychic?” All of Wyler’s swagger dissipated, and he stared at Dan with wide eyes. “Are you for fuckin’ real?”
“What did I say about that mouth of yours?” The guard was starting to sound pissed off.
Dan nodded slowly. “Now why don’t you tell us the truth? Especially the part about why you’re so scared.” His smile faded. “And don’t bother denying it. Your fear is so tangible, I could almost taste it in the air.”
Wyler swallowed. “You’re bluffing. You’ve got nothing.”
It was Dan’s turn to fold his arms. “Really? So if I go to the DA and tell him I have doubts about that last murder, that maybe they have the wrong guy and need to look elsewhere? Because after what I did last month to help out Boston PD, you’d better believe he’ll listen to me.”
“No!” Wyler shouted.
“Quiet down.” The guard fixed Wyler with a hard stare. “You do that again and I’ll have you back in your cell before you know it.”
Gary got his notepad and pen out. “Start talking.” They needed to make some progress before Wyler got taken away.
Wyler gazed at them in silence, his mouth open. Then his shoulders slumped. “Boston PD had me bang to rights for five murders. There was no shortage of evidence, but I’m still amazed they caught me. I thought they couldn’t find their own ass with a flashlight and a map.”
“Get back to the point,” Gary interjected.
Wyler laced his fingers, his gaze focused on the tabletop. “They had me locked up in Suffolk County, okay?” His voice was low. “While they were investigating, putting their case together…. Anyway, a visitor turned up. A friend, one I owed big-time.” A shudder rippled through him. “And when those guys want to collect, you don’t say no, you get me?”
“Which guys?” Gary demanded.
Wyler ignored him. “And he thought it was the perfect time to collect. It wasn’t as if it was all that big a favor. I was facing life anyway, so what was one more?”
Gary stilled. “Are you telling me you confessed to a murder you didn’t commit?”
Wyler nodded. “The cops were happy. One more case off their books.”
Dan leaned forward. “So who asked the favor?”
Wyler shook his head. “Nope. You don’t get that part. No way José.”
“Why not?” Gary asked. “He can’t harm you in here.”
Wyler gaped at him, wide-eyed. “Are you kidding? That family would find me if I lived on the fuckin’moon.”
“This friend… didhecarry out the murder?” Dan kept his voice low and even.
“No idea. And I didn’t ask, okay? It was real obvious he didn’t want anyone linking Donaldson to him.”