Page 106 of In Plain Sight

All Gary wanted was to watch the smile vanish from Gianni’s face.

“I GETa phone call, right?” Gianni demanded after they’d finished with the paperwork at the main desk. “Because I’m not talking to anyone until my lawyer gets here.”

Dan leaned in. “I need to make a call. I’ll be in the office,” he informed Gary under his breath.

Gary nodded. “I’ll be there in a minute.” Dan hurried away. Gary pointed to the phone. “It’s all yours, Mr. DiFanetti.”

“What’s the number?” Sergeant Rob Michaels asked Gianni. “I’ll dial it.”

Gianni pulled his phone from his pocket and scrolled. He handed it to Rob. “There. Luke Martin.” He glanced at Gary over his shoulder and smiled. “The best damn attorney in Boston.”

“I swear, he was smiling all the way over here,” Officer Lomax muttered to Gary. “Every time I looked in the rearview mirror, there he was, like the cat that got the cream.”

Gary doubted he’d be smiling by the time they were through.

Rob handed the phone to Gianni, who took it and held it to his ear. “Hey, Luke. The cops have arrested me. … Three charges of murder… theft too. I need you to get over to the precinct ASAP.” He paused. “Hang on.” Gianni stared at Gary. “What was your name again?”

Gary said nothing but held his badge up for inspection.

“It’s a Detective Gary Mitchell.” Another pause. “Sure.” Gianni held the phone out to Gary. “My lawyer wants to speak to you.”

Gary took it. “This is Detective Mitchell. Hello again, Mr. Martin.”

Gianni blinked.

“Detective, I willnotbe representing Gianni DiFanetti. And there’s something else you need to know.”

Gary listened intently, careful to keep his expression neutral. “I’ll be sure to pass that on.” He handed the phone back to Gianni. “He wants to talk to you.”

Gianni took it. “So how long will it take you to … What?” His face darkened. “You can’t do this. What do we pay you for? … You get your ass over here and get me out of this place.” He scowled. “Now wait just one goddamn—” Gianni gaped at the receiver with undisguised astonishment. “He hung up.”

Rob took the phone from him. “A lawyer will be appointed for you.”

Gianni pointed at Gary. “You call my father.He’llsend a lawyer.”

Gary kept his face straight. “I don’t think so. Who do you think gave instructions to Mr. Martin?”

Gianni’s jaw dropped, and there was no hint of a smile as he was taken to the cells.

Gary shuddered out a breath. There was still a long road to travel, but he had faith in the system.

Cheryl Somers’s killer wouldnotescape justice.

He headed for the office, but at every turn, there were murmured remarks of approval, pats on the back, and wide grins. Gary shook his head. “It never fails to amaze me how fast news travels around this place.”

Dan was pouring coffee when he entered the office. “You had a call. Riley Watson. He’s on duty guarding Bruno, isn’t he?”

“Yes.” Gary removed his phone from his pocket and dialed. “Hey, Riley. Everything okay?”

“Relax. Everything’s fine. But there’s someone here who wants to talk to you.”

There was a pause; then Bruno spoke. “Detective Mitchell?”

“Mr. DiFanetti. I was about to call you. Gianni has been arrested.”

He caught Bruno’s exhalation. “You were on time. I’m glad. And thanks for letting me know.”

“That wasn’t why I was going to call. Gianni got a bit of a shock at the airport. Mr. Stillwater, your brother’s lawyer, dropped him like a hot potato.”