Page 62 of In Plain Sight

“That was fast. Have you found her already?”

He nodded. “Rayne Wilcox. Works at the Institute of Contemporary Art.” He grabbed the phone and dialed. It wasn’t long before he was connected to the right department.


“Rayne Wilcox? This is Detective Gary Mitchell. I’m part of Boston PD’s cold case department, and we’re investigating the death of Cheryl Somers.”

“Oh, that’s great. Do you need background info on her? Is that why you’re calling? Because I knew her pretty well.”

“That’s exactly why I’m calling.”

“I don’t work Tuesdays. I could come to the police precinct tomorrow if that would be okay.”

Gary made a note. “That would be great. Morning or afternoon?”

“Afternoon would be better. I’ve got some things I need to see to in the morning.”

They agreed on an approximate time, and Gary thanked her before disconnecting.

Dan smiled. “A positive result. Let’s hope she can help us.”

Gary went back to the keyboard. “What was the name of Connor Brightmore’s boyfriend?” He scanned the surface of his desk. “Where’s my notepad?”

“I’ve got it here.” Dan grabbed it and hunted through its pages. “Ian Gordon, the senator said.”

Gary did a search. “Okay, there are three Ian Gordons in Boston. That’s assuming he still lives in Boston.” If none of those checked out, they’d widen the field.

“He’d be in his midfifties by now. That might help narrow down the search.” Dan went back to his desk. “I’ll take a look on social media.”

The first Ian Gordon turned out to be in his thirties. The second was in college.

“Hey, I might have found him.” Dan stared at his phone. “This guy is the right age. He’s a software designer here in Boston.” Dan smiled. “According to his Facebook page, he works from home. Perfect.”

“Then let’s find an address for him. We’ll pay him a visit.”

“Don’t you want to call him first?”

Gary shook his head. “I want you to see him, hear him… get a feel for him. And if I call first, he might refuse to see us.”

“You’re hoping he’s our man, aren’t you?”

“He has one of the strongest motives so far, don’t you think?”

Dan leaned back in his chair, his fingers laced.

Gary cocked his head. “But you don’t think that, do you?”

“Did you check the case notes? Is there any mention of the senator supplying his name to the detectives at the time?”

Gary had given the notes a cursory glance. “None at all.” When Dan fell silent, Gary studied him. “What’s on your mind?”

“It just strikes me that we’re only going to see this Ian Gordon because of what Senator Cain told us. But what if the senator is lying?”

Gary cocked his head. “I thought you liked him.”

“I do. But that doesn’t mean we should trust him implicitly.”

“But why would he lie?” The only reason Gary could think of would be to deflect attention away from himself, except that made no sense. The senator wasn’t under suspicion.