Page 39 of In Plain Sight

“No, I mean it.” He couldn’t miss the earnestness in his dad’s voice. “I think what you’re doing is really important.”

Dan’s throat seized.

“I know there are plenty of people out there who’d give you a good argument for sticking with live cases—you know, present-day crimes—but cold cases are just as important. You’re giving everyone involved what they really need.”

“And what’s that?”

“Closure. It doesn’t matter whether the crime happened ten years ago, twenty, thirty…. That kind of pain doesn’t go away, Dan.”

The corners of Dan’s eyes pricked.

“Does he make you happy?” his dad asked.

“God, yes.” The words were out before he could stop them.

“Then I’m happy for you. I know this… thing you do hasn’t made your life easy—quite the opposite. And when that guy knifed you…”

Dan did his best to forget that part.

“…I thought we’d lost you. But… you helped the police prevent more murders. And now you have someone who’ll have your back too. He does, doesn’t he?”

Dan smiled. “Dad, you really don’t have to worry about me. Gary’s a wonderful man, and I love him. He cares for me, supports me, and he also saved my life.”


Dan winced.Me and my big mouth.“That was the part that didn’t make it into the papers.”

“You mean this job of yours can get dangerous?”

“No, I don’t think so. We’re looking at cases that happened years ago. This summer was different.” His heartbeat quickened. “I mean it, Dad. You mustn’t worry about me. I’m fine.”

Dad’s sigh filled his ears. “It’s late. You need to sleep. I’d put your mom on the phone to say hi, but those painkillers have knocked her out. You know what she’s like when she takes them.”

“Give her my love when she wakes up?”

“I will.”

Gary came into the room carrying two steaming cups, and Dan’s heartbeat slipped into a higher gear. “And Dad? How would it be if I came to stay with you one weekend, and I bring Gary so you can meet him?” He watched as Gary’s eyes widened and his smile blossomed.

That was definitely a yes.

“That sounds great. Let me know when you’re thinking of coming.” Another pause. “Take care, son.” Dad hung up.

Gary put the cups on the nightstand. “Looks as if I walked in at the right moment.”

“I know I should’ve mentioned it before I told Dad, but—”

Gary held his hand up. “Stop right there. I’d love to meet your parents.” He gave Dan an inquiring glance. “Well? Was it a vision?”

“Yup. Mom fell down the stairs, but she’s only sprained her ankle.”

“And is everything okay?”

Dan let out a happy sigh. “Actually? It couldn’t be better.”

Chapter Thirteen

Monday, July 23, 2018