Page 115 of In Plain Sight

He’d have known Gary and I would be there. We were on the guest list.And that pointed to only one conclusion.

He’s baiting me. Us. Hell, he could have been one of the guests who was selling the raffle tickets.

Dan had stood at the prizes table, scanning the faces of everyone around them, searching for some kind of recognition, anything that would give them a break, but….


Then his imagination had gone into overdrive. Suddenly all those happy expressions morphed into far more sinister glances, eyes glinted with evil intent, and it was as if every voice clamored inside his mind, all saying the same thing.

Me, Dan. It was me.Ikilled Brad. I ripped his heart from his chest and placed it in his hands, then left him there on that picnic table to be found.

Now catch me—if you can.

Before I ripyourheart out.

“Will you just take a minute andbreathe, for God’s sake?” Gary’s strong arms enfolded him, and Dan leaned into them, grateful for their support. Gary’s warm voice settled on him, dispelling the ice that had crept under his skin and seeped into his bones.

Dan shuddered. “How can you be so calm about this?” Surely knowing he’d been in the same room as the psychopath who changed the course of Gary’s—and his parents’—life had to have takensomeeffect.

Then realization sank in.

“You don’t think I can find him, do you?”

Because ifDanhad lost faith in his own gift, it stood to reason Gary had to feel the same way.

I couldn’t see past whatever mask the killer was wearing.And it had to be a supremely effective one. Dan hadn’t gotten so much as a whiff all night. All he’d sensed was warmth and affection, the delight of renewed friendships….

Gary’s arms tightened around him. “Cross that thought right out of your head, Dan Porter. You hear me? We knew this was a long shot before we came.”

“That’s what you said earlier. And I’ll repeat whatIsaid—I wanted to give you something to work with.”

“And you will. In fact, you already have.”

Dan frowned. “What exactly have I given you?”

Gary managed a smile. “We came here hoping to find more information. That maybe one of Brad’s classmates might know something, however small, that would lead us to the killer.” He trailed his fingertips over Dan’s cheek. “Andnowwhat do we know? I’ll tell you. One of those people downstairs in that fancy ballroom looks like everyone else, but inside they’re a psychopath.” He kissed Dan lightly on the lips. “After all these years of having no clues to work on, you just handed me a list of suspects. Allwehave to do is whittle it down. To my mind, that sounds like you’ve accomplished something. Now it’smyturn to run with this.” Gary pulled Dan close, molding him against his body, sending a wave of affection and love rolling over him. “This is going to take both of us, okay?”

Dan knew Gary was trying to lift his mood, but he wasn’t there yet. “But how?” He breathed in Gary’s comforting scent.


“Howdo you suggest we whittle it down?”

“As much as I don’t want to evencontemplatethis… what if Brad wasn’t the only victim? What if he was just the first? Or even the second?”

Dan crumpled a little at the thought. It felt as though a heavy weight dropped in his stomach, and something sour was on his tongue. “As much as I hate to admit it, that’s a reasonable assumption.”

Gary nodded. “So we could look for unsolved murders bearing the same characteristics. Cross-check any we find with the whereabouts of everyone on that list.”

“We’re talking nearly a hundred people,” Dan remonstrated. “We can’t do this alone.”

“I agree. We’re going to need help. Leave that part to me.”

“You’re amazing.” Dan’s throat grew thick. “I thought you’d be broken up about this, but you’re much more resilient than I expected.”

Gary kissed his forehead. “I’ve had twenty-three years to work on my resilience, remember? And although I might not be showing it right now, what you did tonight has lit a new fire under me. We’re going to find this guy. I know it.” His voice rang with confidence.

Dan glanced at the bed. “Before I picked up that DVD, all I could think about was getting you naked between silken sheets and making love all night long.” Then a pleasurable shiver ran through him. “Seems I wasn’t the only one.” He opened himself up to Gary’s emotions, and despite his stomach-churning fears, Dan’s cock sat up and took notice.