Page 33 of Thunder

“One week.” Aldo takes a step back with an evil grin. “I’ll be in touch.” He turns to me. “There will be a day when you let your guard down, and I’ll find a way to steal Rose right out from under your nose,ifI don’t get what I want.”

They return to their vehicles and speed away from the club.

War breaks his silence. “What the fuck was that?”

“A desperate man who needs that key,” Guard replies. I furrow my brow, not understanding his response. “That key belongs to his boss. Aldo Capaldi needs to get it back before the big man knows it’s missing. He may be aware it’s missing, and he’s getting closer to finding out that Capaldi fucked up.” Guard says this with such conviction that I know his sixth sense is kicking in. I have no doubt in my mind that he’s right and this is going to get worse before it gets better.

“I’ll talk to Rose,” I say.

“Find out who has the last of Clarissa’s effects. They ship it to the family, or it’s given to them as soon as they release the body. A trip to Nebraska might be in order,” Guard says.

“We can have Hawk approach Penny and Erik.”

Guard shakes his head. “That’s risky. The less they know, the better. We’ll find a way to get you there under the radar. I’ll see if Hawk can keep you under lock while you’re in his territory, until you’re ready to come back. But first, look through Rose’s place to make sure it isn’t among some of her belongings. Maybe her sister snuck it in and never told her.”

“Unlikely, but you’re right. We have to make sure,” I say. “This meeting holds more questions than answers.”

“We’ll get there,” Guard says with determination. I fucking hope he’s right.


Search and Retrieve


I’m calm, thanks to Camille. When I look around the room, guilt mounts in my heart. The babies should be in their beds with their favorite blankies and stuffies. The moms should be nestled next to their husbands, enjoying their precious time alone. Because of me, actually, because of my selfish dead sister, we’re locked away, in hiding.

Each time I think I’m over the anger, I’m forced to recall the ramifications of Clarissa’s actions. It brings back all the memories of manipulation, sadness, and despair. The ache my mother felt when she knew Clarissa was lost to us forever, and the second-guessing of my parents’ actions, wondering where they went wrong.

“I need to leave,” I murmur, unknowingly aloud.

Camille pats my hand. “No, sweetie. You need to stay with us.”

“Ihave togo. They won’t stop until they get what they want, and I’ve put you all in danger. Kids shouldn’t be subjected to this.You,all of you, shouldn’t have to be tossed into a panic room.”

“Thunder won’t let you go,” Camille reminds me.

“I need to protect him most of all.” I begin to choke up once more. First, one Mariner sister puts him through hell, and now me. Granted, I didn’t do this intentionally and I still don’t know what all this is about or why they’re after me, but it’s very clear it’s me they want.

VI must be listening, as she comes closer. “You told us you trusted us, remember?”


“Do you still?”

I shake my head. “It’s not about trust.”

“It is. Do you trust us?” she asks again.

“Of course.” My shoulders sag. “This isn’t right.” I wave my hand around the room. “You shouldn’t be pulled into my sister’s mess.”

“Neither should a stalker have attacked me to get to Maddie. Neither should a husband beat the shit out of his wife, causing her to never be able to have babies of her own. Neither should a mother shoot her son’s woman just for loving him as he should be loved. So much out there”—she flicks her hand to the steel door—“isn’t right. Bad people exist. This isn’t our first time in this room, and it won’t be the last. Our kids are young, and they think this is an adventure. And when they get older, we’re going to teach them what brotherhood and sisterhood is all about. Hell, we’re doing that now.” Vi takes my hand, squeezing it hard. “They’ve taken your sister from you and your family. Don’t let them take Thunder away from you. Hold on with both hands. Think of the awesome reward you’ll have when this is over,” she says with a grin. “He’s worth it, right?”

Before I can say a word, the door clicks and slides open. Guard and Thunder are front and center. As the ladies file out and into the arms of their men, Vi moves past Guard, and I hear her say, “She’s a flight risk,” half-teasing, half-serious.

“What happened to girl code?” I ask snottily, again partly kidding.

“Girl code goes right out the window when you’re about to make a stupid decision,” Vi retorts and walks into the arms of her husband.