Page 31 of Thunder

“It’s a happy one,” she exclaims. The softhearted tyke suddenly feels that she should share and climbs down from her chair and into my lap. Her small hands cup my ear, and she says, “I like Rosie. I want you to marry her.”

I give Amelia a big snuggle. “I think that’s a wonderful idea when the time is right,” I murmur in her ear.

“When is that?”

“I’ll let you know, sunshine.” Amelia is satisfied with that. She gives me another hug before going back to her chair.

They say “out of the mouths of babes,” and it’s true. Children see things so plainly. Someone makes you happy, so you make them part of your life forever to keep that happiness going. It’s when I think of how the world will test that innocence that makes me angry.

I scan Rose’s profile. She must sense it and turns to me. “What is it?” she asks.

I lift her hand to my lips and kiss her fingers. “I’m happy, baby.”

She leans in and brushes her lips over mine. “Me too.”

* * *


With the kids all tucked in, the guys settle in to either play pool or watch the game. In pairs, they take turns walking the perimeter of the clubhouse, making sure that everything is as it should be. Orion and Vi head to the IT room, where he keeps an eye on the security system.

“Is it always like this?” I ask Ava.

She tilts her head. “What do you mean?”

“The security and stuff.”

“Not always, but Guard believes in taking safety measures. There’s a lot you don’t know about my man, but this is one thing you can count on: his life is devoted to his family and this club. We’re his to protect. That’s how he got his road name, Guard.”

“Thunder said he got his name because he strikes like a thunderstorm. Fast and turbulent.”

“Yeah. They all have a reason for their road names. The club picks it for them when they get their patch.” She points out Priest. “Priest because he keeps it all in. Whatever you tell him stays with him until you’re ready to share.” She tips her head to Wildcard. “That one can go either way. Fury or calm, but always loyal.” Her eyes move to Hammer. “He was nicknamed Hammer in the military. It seems to suit him, since he hits hard and fights harder. It’s also a testament to the men he served with. Most of these guys served our country. Ghost lost his whole unit. He was the only one who survived. That takes a toll on a man.”

“Poor Ghost.” Sadness washes over me.

“He’s home now and has the love of his life by his side, healing his wounds. He has his brothers and all of us,” Ava says.

It’s not until Risk and Saint rush through the door and shout, “We got company, and this isn’t good,” that we all jump to our feet.

“Everyone, load up and take your positions,” Guard shouts. He looks at Ava. “Quick as you can, get the kids and the women into the back room. Shut that door. It doesn’t open until I come for you,” he orders. He pulls Noah by the arm. “You go with them. I need to know they’re safe.”

Everyone’s running around, but I’m frozen to my spot. Thunder gives me a little shake. “Don’t lose it on me now, Rosie. Go with the others.” I’m still too stunned to speak or move. Charli grabs my hand and drags me after her while I glance over at Thunder and wonder what the hell is happening.

“Are they coming to talk or fight?” I hear Thunder ask.

“Either way, no one gets in here,” Saint replies.

That’s the last thing I hear or see before being closed in a room with a steel door with the other women and their children. Most of the kids are sleeping in their mothers’ arms. I glance around the room to see cots, blankets, canned food, and all you would need for Armageddon. The mothers put their kids down and lull them to sleep. The others help where they can. Charli is continuing to hold my hand tightly. Noah stands firmly at the door, just as he was told.

“This is all because of me,” I murmur, guilt and panic welling in my heart. “I brought this to you. All of you.” I begin to shake uncontrollably. Charli calls out for Camille, who rushes over with a blanket. She wraps it around my shoulders and guides me to sit on a chair.

“She’s going into shock. Get her some water,” Camille says. She grips my chin, her eyes meeting mine. “Breathe with me,” she says. I follow her breathing, inhaling, exhaling.

Eventually, I’m able to regain my composure. “What if someone gets hurt?”

Vi answers, “Someone will, but it won’t be Satan’s Pride.”