Page 19 of Thunder

“I had Demon get confirmation from his people,” Guard says. “It’s all true. Harvey kept her in one of his apartments with an ongoing supply of drugs. Demon also found out that Harvey’s girls were taken over by the same mob family that killed Harvey. It seems that when Clarissa found out that Harvey was dead, she stole money from his safe. Money that belonged to the mob.”

“You’re thinking these men tracked Rose down and want her to repay what Clarissa took,” I finish for them.

“So far, that’s what it seems,” Orion says.

“Who are they?” I ask.

“We’re not sure yet. I’ve got Reno checking it out. He promised to get back to us as soon as he knows anything,” Guard says.

“Can’t we put word out there that Rose is under Satan’s Pride protection?” I ask.

“Already done. But that doesn’t guarantee these guys will back off. Until we know who they are, we need to stay vigilant,” Guard insists.

“How the fuck did Clarissa get herself caught up with a guy like that?” I rant. “She had everything. Her parents were there for her. They were present for everything. Erik nearly lost his mind when he found out Clarissa was using. They took her to rehab repeatedly and stood by her side every step of the way. They weren’t rich, not by a long shot, but Erik made sure his family had all they needed. How could you throw all that away?”

“It’s not about her parents or Rose.” I hear Demon’s voice. He’s standing by the door. “My parents loved me. The world loved me. But I didn’t love myself. The problem began with me and ended with me. It starts off with just wanting to feel good. Then it turns into wanting to forget the bad days. Before you know it, it’s always a bad day and you can’t get through any other way.”

“You got clean. You fought,” I remind him.

“Deep inside, I didn’t want to die. I wanted the noise in my head to stop and for the world that I was part of to disappear, and I didn’t know how to make that happen without cocaine. Guard was at the right place at the right time and gave me a place to call home. There was solace, peace, and you all gave me purpose. But the decision not to die that night was mine. I don’t know what Clarissa’s demons were. You don’t either. And we can discuss what a waste it was to lose her, but that’s not going to change the fact that she’s gone or how she left this world. And I would concentrate on Rose. She’s still angry with her sister. That’s not healthy for her or for you. It’s not your job to fix her, but you and I both know how unhealthy anger can be.”

Demon’s recovery from his drug addiction is nothing short of a miracle. A rich rock star loses his best friend and bandmate and he spirals out of control. He went from legend to loser in one fell swoop. His courage and tenacity to claw his way to where he is today is impressive, to say the least. I take his advice seriously.

Demon is right. Rose is my priority. I can’t let my own past cloud my judgment on Clarissa’s choices. My parents didn’t even want a kid and made sure I knew it every fucking day of my life. I left home as soon as I turned eighteen and never looked back. I wasn’t physically abused. There was food on the table or in the cupboard. I had my own room, but that was where it ended. I was a stranger living in a house with two adults and I was cramping their style.

I call my parents on all the designated holidays. Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Christmas. I don’t know why, but I do. The conversation is always brief, and when it’s over, I’m more pissed off than ever. Not once in all these years have they asked me to come home for a visit. I keep telling myself that I’m not going to place another call, but I do it anyway.

Demon’s words are ringing true. Perspective is key, and I’m grateful he’s taken the time to enlighten me.

“Thanks, brother.” I pat Demon on the back. “I appreciate it. I’ll keep an eye on Rose and find the right opportunity to see if she’s ready to talk about it.” He nods and gives me a brotherly slap on my back.

“I actually came here to let you in on another piece of information.” Orion’s and Guard’s ears perk up.

“Whatcha got?” Orion asks.

“Harvey wasn’t just a pimp and a drug dealer, he was linked to the mob,” Demon says. “He was transporting drugs across state lines for them. It’s what got him killed. That night, three guys were found murdered in a warehouse. One was Harvey, and the other two were part of Harvey’s crew. Everyone thought it was a turf war, when it was about Harvey’s pissing off a local mob boss. Along with getting rid of some of the drug competition, the new Mafia clan took over their business enterprises—and they’re collecting on all the debts.”

“We’re on the right track. For now, we’re in a ‘wait and see’ position until Reno gets back to us,” Guard says. “We hold steady.”

“Any word from Hawk? Has anyone been out to see Erik or Penny?” I ask.

“All clear, but Hawk’s got them on his radar and eyes are on them twenty-four seven until we work this out,” Guard confirms.

Hawk’s a good man. He and Guard are cut from the same cloth. At one time, it was a toss-up which club I was going to call home. It’s becoming clear why I’m meant to be with the Pride and the brothers, since this is where Rose settled.

“I can’t believe the circumstances have gone from pimps to Mafia links,” Orion mumbles. “Is life supposed to get any easier at some point?”

Our club has been through our fair share of turbulent storms in the past, between rival gangs, insane gun-wielding family member, and crazy exes, and this isn’t the first run-in with a Mafia family either.

“We can handle it,” Guard states with steely determination, resting a hand on Orion’s shoulder. “If you can handle that fiery wife of yours, this should be a piece of cake,” he jokes, lightening the mood. We have a good laugh, mainly because Guard’s assessment of Vi, Orion’s wife, is dead-on. Sweet as sugar on the inside, she’s all fire and attitude on the outside.


Stick with Me


Rosie is wiping down shelves and placing new vases and trinkets on them, creating a romantic display. When she hears the chime over the door, she looks over her shoulder.