Page 14 of Thunder

“Orion’s doing a search on the license plate Thunder picked up today. Risk is working at getting the shop back in order. Demon, I need you to work the streets for information. War, Steady, and Roscoe, I need you on security duty. The rest of us will all have to pitch in as well. The work needs to continue. Come see me after to get your assignments,” Guard announces. He pauses for a moment, then adds, “These aren’t just thugs. It’s bigger and uglier. I’ve already spoken with Risk. He’s going to help us get in touch with the Viale brothers. Ghost and I are going to see if we can get a little help from them. I got a feeling this is more than a drug deal gone wrong.”

I’m stunned by Guard’s words. I know what’s happening isn’t good, but for Guard to ask for assistance from the Viales heightens my angst. It’s a blow to my gut, and all I can think of is keeping Rose safe.

“I’m not leaving her alone until this is over,” I state firmly. Guard nods.

Ghost adds, “Didn’t think you would. Although, she might start wondering just how bad this is.”

“Rose is aware these guys are nasty. She was around when they threatened her parents. Which means they could be in danger too,” I surmise.

“He’s right,” Orion says. “Do we have anyone out that way who can keep an eye out?”

Saint steps forward. “I know a guy. Name’s Hawk. He’s solid, smart, and his club works like ours. A brother from the special ops.”

“You’re sure he’ll do it?” I ask.

“Calling him now. If I know Hawk, he’ll have men on their way before I get off the phone,” Saint says with a chuckle.

“I’ll owe him,” I say.

“We’ll owe him,” Ghost replies. “Rose is yours, so she’s ours.”


I’m Not Scared


The afternoon went by so quickly that I didn’t even get a chance to go to the shop to see what was salvageable. I wanted to push for Thunder to take me, or even drop me off and I’d find my own way back, but the minute he came out of the room with the rest of the club, I knew better than to ask.

When we’re alone in Thunder’s car, I finally have the courage to ask.

“Can you drop me at the grocery store? I had shopping on my list of things to do, or the only dinner we’re going to have is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and even that’s a stretch. It might be on crackers,” I say, hoping to elicit a hint of a smile. That failed miserably.

“We’ll make a list, and one of the guys will drop it by,” he replies, never taking his eyes off the road.

“It’s a lot of stuff.”

“Won’t be a problem.”

“Thunder, pull over.” I’ve had enough of the short answers that are hardly answers at all.

He glances over at me. “What?”

“Pull. Over,” I state more sternly and clearly. He veers off to the shoulder of the road and turns to me. “What’s going on? And don’t say nothing. I know it’s not nothing, and once more, this is happening to me, so I ought to be involved.”

“The people who did that to your shop aren’t punks on a spree just out to create havoc. I don’t want you to assume the worst, but we’re playing it cautiously. That means random trips to the store are something we can do without. The Pride is on it. We’ve got men looking into Clarissa’s past acquaintances, and Orion’s doing an internet dive. But you mean something to me. It took us years to get to where we are, and that means I’m not going to lose you now. I’m sorry if I’m freaking you out, but I’m not leaving your side until we’ve got this wrapped up.”

I’m both happy he’s being honest with me and scared out of my mind that these are the same guys. All of a sudden, my parents come to mind. If they found me, they’ll find… “Mom and Dad?”

“Already taken care of. We have a sister club out that way. They’re jumping in to help. Their president, Hawk, has already got your parents on watch.”

“He does?”

Thunder reaches out to cup my cheek. “I get that this is a lot to take in. And I promise you, when this is all over, it’ll be nothing but a story to tell our kids, but for now, I need you to stick with me and our plan. Can you do that?”

The warmth of his hand on my cold cheek is comforting, as I lean into it. “I can do that.” Our kids! Did he just talk about telling our kids stories? My heart melts and I can imagine a little boy with a wild sense of adventure, a carbon copy of Thunder, running around and getting into mischief.

“Let’s get home. Make a list, and we’ll get what we need. Tomorrow, I’ll take you to the shop so you can see that it’ll be up and running in a couple of days. Sofia and Demon are coming over later to catch you up on the insurance stuff.”