Page 12 of Thunder

When I come back to the bedroom, Thunder is sitting up in bed, shirtless. His yummy abs are on display and I’m gawking, yet I can’t help myself.

“Rosie, you keep looking at me like that and I’m not going to wait for you to say you’re ready for me,” he teases, the sexy grin on his luscious lips only making me want to jump him.

“You’re hot,” I state. Maybe it’s stupid to lay it all out, but I’ve never played games before, and I don’t want to start with Thunder.

He raises his brows. “Glad you think so, babe. So why are you standing all the way over there?” He jerks his head my way.

“I know stuff about you.”

“What stuff?”

“S-sex stuff?”

He furrows his brow, tilting his head to one side. “Sex stuff?” he repeats. “What kind of sex stuff?”

“Clarissa talked about you. And…she said things about…you.” I finally get out the words, looking down at my bare feet, unable to meet his gaze.

“What did she say?” When I don’t speak, he holds out his hand. “Baby, come here.” I go to him, and he tugs me down to sit on the edge of the bed by his hip. “I have no idea what Clarissa told you, and it pisses me off that she would say anything at all. I know that girls talk and shit, but you were a kid compared to her. So, yeah, I want to know because I can see this is worrying you.”

I’m so embarrassed. I can feel the heat rising to my face. But Thunder’s right. If there is to be an us, I have to be me and say what I feel. “She said you liked to be rough.” I peer up at him through my lashes. “Really rough. Like choking and stuff…” My voice trails off.

He sighs heavily and looks to the ceiling, then back at me. “First, I don’t get off on hurting women. What your sister and I had was about what worked for us. She wanted it and I gave it like she asked. No two relationships work the same. Didn’t enjoy it then, and never, fucking ever, did I hurt her. Do you believe me?”

Without hesitation, I say, “I believe you. I’ve only had one boyfriend, and I could never compare what I felt for him to what I feel for you.”

His face relaxes, although I can see he’s still pissed about it. “I want to kiss you, but I won’t, because our first real kiss isn’t going to be tainted by the past. So instead, you’re going to give me a minute to get over the overwhelming urge to throw the lamp across the room and get dressed, and I’ll meet you in the living room.”

I giggle because I know he wouldn’t throw a lamp and he’s trying to lighten the mood. “I’ll make coffee.”

“Don’t bother. I’m taking you to Millie’s for breakfast. We’ll make plans for the day from there.”

Not fifteen minutes later, a young man called Noah drops by with a change of clothes for Thunder. We talk for a bit, and I find out that he’s Charli’s younger brother and a prospect with the club. He’s a great kid, and the way he talks about his sister, you can tell there’s real love there. Noah’s helping out at the mechanic shop as well as going to school.

You can see how he looks up to Thunder by the way they interact. Thunder has that way about him, where people can just be themselves. While the two have a chat, I run in and take a quick shower and get dressed for the day. I still have to tackle the cleanup at the shop.

* * *


Idon’t like it, not one little bit. From the time Rose and I left her place and got in the car, I’ve had an uneasy feeling, like needles prickling down my spine. A red Corvette was idling four houses down from the house. First off, red Corvettes in this town are as rare as they come, and when I drove by, I made a point to stare the driver down. What I saw in the eyes of the dark-haired punk, I didn’t like.

He knew I was on to him and disappeared down the other side of the street. I’ve already made a call to Guard about meeting this afternoon at the club with the brothers, but now there’s more to tell. As Millie serves our meal, I notice another vehicle that doesn’t belong. It sits by the curb, but the driver keeps looking into the diner.

There are too many coincidences, and all of them tell me that danger lurks nearby. It’s broad daylight, and in this town, you’d have to be an idiot to try something, because it’s a fact that the people here care about each other. But I know better than to go against my gut.

“Don’t move from this spot, babe,” I tell her.

“Pardon?” She blinks at the harshness of my tone.

I reach over and touch her hand. “Promise me to stay put. I’ve gotta make a call.”

“Okay,” she whispers.

I notice her concerned expression. “You’re safe with me.” I wait for her to nod, then pull out my phone and walk to the door.

The phone rings once, and Guard picks up. “I feel it, brother.” I don’t know how he fucking does it, but he can sense trouble and is on it faster than lightning. “Where are you?”
