Page 3 of Thunder

I don’t know how Thunder and I ended up in the same place, but I intend to stay out of his way. The last thing he needs is a reminder of the past. For my own sanity, I need to keep my distance. Thunder is far too hot to ignore, and I spent years when he was with Clarissa, watching him be the perfect boyfriend, knowing he’d never be mine. I don’t think I could take seeing him with yet another woman on his arm.

* * *


As I look around the room, all I see are Rosie’s flower arrangements. They’re unique, and all the women have commented on them, Ava especially, and she’s already talking about visiting the shop in person. This doesn’t bode well for me, because the minute they meet Rosie, they’ll fall in love with her and want to make her one of the Lady Pride.

Quinn was surprised by the party and even more excited to see her family here to celebrate with all of us. Priest did good for himself. He and his sister, Camille, have come a long way in the last few years. Camille nearly worked herself to death and was being terrorized by her own family before Steady came into her life. Steady fell in love with Camille, and he didn’t put up with her family tearing her apart and using her as a cash cow. She was going hungry to give them money.

Priest didn’t realize to what extent he played into his mother’s plan. When he found out how badly Camille was being abused, he walked away from his mother and everything she stood for. Guard, our president and sage, took him in. That was the best thing that ever happened to Priest. Shit! Finding the Pride has been the best thing that ever happened to any of the brothers.

Together, we’re stronger. Each brother brings something to the table, and we would die to protect one another. That’s just the way it is. It’s a simple concept: respect, honor, and protect.

I came to the Pride from another chapter of the brothers. Guard was once part of their club before they asked him to branch out on his own. We knew each other back then, and I could see he was meant to lead. Guard wanted me to come with him, but I needed to roam the country first. I was restless, a nomad. I got bored too quickly and was looking for adventure. Guard told me to come find him when I was done. He said I’d always have a home with his club.

That was when I met Clarissa and settled down in a town that I thought was going to be my forever home. Clarissa matched my zest for life. She lived free and hard. Then I found out that being free and hard to her meant getting high and doing stupid shit. I took her to rehab many times, yet it never stuck. I didn’t understand it. Her parents fucking rocked. They were good people doing all they could to show their love for her. The more I tried to give Clarissa stability, the wilder she became, like a bucking bronco in a rodeo, not wanting to be tamed. In the end, she took off in the middle of the night. It wasn’t the money she stole that pissed me off, it was that she couldn’t be straight and tell me it was over. She played me.

Unfortunately, I took it out on the wrong people. I went straight to her parents and laid all my shit on them. They should have thrown me out or called the cops, but they didn’t. They listened to me rant and swear and blame them for being crappy parents. It wasn’t until Rosie stepped up to the door and poked me in the chest with her finger, telling me to shut my mouth, that I saw what I was doing to them.

“You’re hurting, and I get that,” Rosie said, “but so are we. You just told us that Clarissa disappeared. Do you have any idea what that does to my parents? Stop being so selfish and look around. As much as Clarissa doesn’t deserve our love, she has it, and she knows it. You get to walk away and move on, but we can’t because she’s ours.” Rosie was hurt, and I mean really hurt, and I just made it worse. She was right. I was only thinking of how I was feeling.

I did the only thing I knew how to do. I left. Years later, it isn’t Clarissa who’s haunted my dreams, it’s Rosie. When I left, she was a kid. A sweet, soft, warmhearted girl. Now she’s a beautiful woman who I can’t get out of my head.


Not a Coincidence


It’s been two weeks since I found myself face-to-face with Rosie, and since then, I haven’t been able to get her out of my mind. I shouldn’t care, but I want to know about her life. How are her parents? Where are they? They’re good people. They opened their minds and hearts when they saw a rough biker at their door and didn’t judge me.

Losing a child, no matter how much trouble she caused, must have devastated them. Erik tried time and time again to get Clarissa help. She had us all fooled. Made us believe that she was off drugs and wanted to live a clean life. Penny was so happy. She really believed that last time, it would stick and Clarissa would beat the addiction. She insisted on a special dinner with the family. I think we all bought into her act, except for Rosie.

I remember seeing Rosie that night, and though she’s normally quiet, she was even more so that evening. I never gave it another thought, but her side glances at her sister weren’t warm or accepting. They were fearful. I believe Rosie always suspected her sister was playing us.

This is the fourth time this week that I find myself at Hanna’s Bakery and as good as her food is, my eyes are fixed on the flower shop across the road. The sign for Petals, in royal purple, with the P made to look like rose petals bordered in gold, represents what Rosie is all about. Rosie is delicate like the petals of a flower, but encased in a strong outer edge to hold herself up when things get hard.

Rosie comes out of her shop carrying a vase of flowers and walks across the street, heading this way. The ding of the bell above the door alerts Hanna, who is wiping off a newly vacated table. She turns to see Rosie standing there.

“Hi. I’m your new neighbor across the way. I hope you like tulips,” Rosie says, extending the vase to Hanna.

Hanna smiles and takes them from her. “These are gorgeous. I love tulips. I’ve been wanting to come over and say hello, but things have been busy. My son, Romeo, has been sick with a stomach bug, and this is his first day back at school. Thank you for these. Can you sit for a while?”

“I should get back to the shop. I’m still new and can’t afford to hire help yet. Soon, I hope,” Rosie replies, holding up her hands and crossing her fingers.

“Oh! I remember those days!” Hanna says. “At least let me give you my special for the day to see you through. It’ll take two minutes.”

“Oh no, that’s not necessary—” Rosie starts, but Hanna jumps in quickly.

“We small businesses have to stick together. Two minutes. Please?” Hanna rushes behind the counter, and as Rosie looks around, she finally spots me in the far corner near the window. I see her sharp intake of breath. Her cheeks turn pink, and her chocolate-brown eyes go wide. Damn, but she’s beautiful.

“Hey, Rosie.” Her eyes go soft when I say her name. I’ve called her Rosie since the first time I met her. She was a teenager when I met Clarissa. The two sisters were almost eight years apart in age. Rosie was an oopsie, unexpected, but loved. Clarissa would tease her younger sibling about how she had to make an appearance in the world and steal Mommy and Daddy’s attention. That was far from true. Rosie was the independent kid, where Clarissa clamored for attention. On more than one occasion, I wondered if Clarissa did drugs to keep the attention on herself.

“Hi, Thunder,” she replies. “Are—are you having a good day?”

A grin comes to my lips. She’s always polite. “Yeah. I’d say so. How about you?”

“Really great. Since your friend ordered the flowers for his party, the shop has gotten a lot busier. One day, a group of women came in and almost bought out my entire stock for the day.” Rosie laughs with her husky voice, and I swear it makes me hard. Fuck me! She’s my ex’s baby sister.