Page 22 of Thunder

“Clarissa was into pretty bad shit.”

“I know.”

“Really bad, babe.”

She squeezes my hand and says again, only louder, “I know.”

“You may think you know, but it’s more.”

“More?” Her brows rise, and her tone sounds more dejected. “How much more can there be?”

I tell her all about John Harvey and his association with the Mafia. Then I explain her sister’s role in Harvey’s life. I can see that some of what I’m saying, she’s already surmised, but the part about the mob boss and the extent it played into the death of Harvey and maybe her sister is news to her.

“The mob is after me?” Her voice is a high-pitched shrill.

“The mob is after money owed to them,” I correct.

“I don’t have any money. Clarissa never came home after she left, never gave me or Mom and Dad anything. She was an addict. If she ever had money, it would have been pissed away on heroin.” Her face turns red with fury. “Even in death, she comes back to make my life a living hell. Most sisters play Barbies together or have secret midnight gab sessions about boyfriends. But not my sister! No, she had to snort, shoot, and drink herself to death, then suck everyone else into the vortex of the insane underworld.”

Rose stands and begins pacing the room like a caged tigress, continuing to rant, throwing her hands up and looking to the heavens for enlightenment. She drops her hands on her hips, leaning forward. “What am I supposed to do? Oh! I know,” she says sarcastically, “I’ll wait for the next phone call and calmly tell the man, who wants to kill me, or worse, make me into a prostitute, that I’m not interested.” Her chest heaves with anger, desperation, and fear.

“Rosie. Calm down, baby.” I grab her hand and pull her between my legs. “None of that is happening. Risk knows some people who are working on getting a name. Once we know who we’re dealing with, the rest will work itself out.”

“He says he owns me. I didn’t understand what he was talking about until this moment. He wants me to—”

“It ain’t happenin’, babe.”

“I don’t want you or the guys to get hurt. Maybe, I should run—”

“Don’t fucking finish that sentence. You run, I’ll follow.”


“No buts. Together, with my brothers, we’re stronger. You run, and we’re out there alone. And before you start freaking out about your parents, we’ve got an ally club on it. They’re being watched, and so far, no one’s showed.” I give her a gentle shake. “Stick with me, Rosie.”


I give her some time to let all I’ve told her sink in. This is a lot to take. Even as a teenager, Rosie was a sensible, level-headed person, but throw this kind of disaster in her path and she has every right to be rattled. The mere mention of the Mafia would have any normal person shaking in their boots.

A while later, as we drive to the shop, Rosie puts her hand on my knee to get my attention. I glance over, and in a quiet voice she says, “I trust you.” I lift her fingers to my lips and kiss the back of her hand, putting it back on my knee and covering it with my own hand.


The Bloody Message


Once we get to the shop, we see the workmen packing up the last of their stuff. Risk is inside checking it all out one more time. He’s thorough and takes pride in what he does. Thunder explained that Risk wanted this business, and the club backed his idea, knowing he was going to make it a success. Satan’s Pride is part owner, and this construction business has made them all very comfortable.

“All done. I hope you’re happy, Rose,” Risk says, coming out of the back room.

“Happy? I’m ecstatic! I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done. As soon as the insurance money—”

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry about it,” Risk says, cutting me off. “I know where to find you.” He winks. “I’ll just look for Thunder,” he teases. Risk looks to Thunder. “Noah needs some extra cash for school. I thought I’d send him over. You down with that?”

“Sure. We could use a hand to get the shipment off the truck and into the shop. That way, Rose can concentrate on what she does best,” he replies.

Risk departs, leaving Thunder and me to wipe down counters and shelves to make room for the delivery. Noah arrives not long after we start, just in time for a large truck to pull up.