“I will.” I give them a final wave, before heading out the door.
Pressing the unlock button, I get into the car, buckle up, and begin my journey home. I feel better after seeing them. Life finally feels right. This is how it is supposed to be. This is what true happiness is.
I press a hand against my stomach, smiling at the fact that I’m already showing. I guess that’s what happens with twins.
“Where are you?” Matias’s voice comes through the speakers from the voicemail he left me. “You need to get home now. It was Michael’s father who burnt down the house. He is part of the Irish mob, Sophie. Please, get home. Michael is going to complete what his father started. The plan was always you. He was going to kill you the moment you thought you had everything you ever wanted, but you do now. Please, answer your phone.” His voice breaks just as the message ends.
There are another six messages like that as I drive, listening to how panicked he is. Tears sting my eyes at his words, and fear replaces all the happiness I felt moments ago.
I press the audio message button. “I’m on the way home. I’m going the back way. I’m almost—” the car sputters. “What the hell?” The speed drops and the gas gauge is on E. “The car is slowing down. Matias, I have no gas. I had a full tank. I’ll need you to come get me. Please, hurry,” I cry. “I didn’t know. Oh my god, I didn’t know, but it makes so much sense. I love you, please—I’m sorry for ever doubting you.” I press send just in time because my phone dies a second later.
I get out of the car and immediately, I smell gas. A small puddle trickles out from underneath, proving I have a leak.
“Fuck,” I curse, just as a sharp pain strikes me over the head and darkness is all I see.
My heart is beating out of my chest as I rush to the car, not even bothering to change out of the jeans and t-shirt I’m wearing. Formal business attire is usually my go-to when I do things like this. When I kill people.
Fuck it. Michael doesn’t even deserve that.
“Speak to me, Gianni,” I say into the car, hearing him type away on a keyboard.
“Still searching,” he replies.
“Fucking hurry!” I snap, rage roaring in my ears. I feel panic rising too, but I can’t let that show. The panic in Sophie’s voice in the voicemail she sent me is echoing in my ears. I can’t imagine the fear she’s feeling right now, and I want nothing more than to bring her home. Safe.
“Matias,” his calm tone doesn’t mask the warning in his words. “I’m trying. Oh, it looks like her car is… in the middle of nowhere. I’m sending the coordinates now. I found out more about his father, as well. Apparently, after he was sent to prison by Sophie’s father, he got out and went back to his dealings. He had planned to come back here, to Sophie, but he fell ill. I suppose he pawned off his failure of a son to finish his work.”
“He won’t,” I manage to say quietly. He can’t. He won’t survive this.
The car inputs the location instantly, and I drive the fifteen minutes from my house. From our house. The fucking audacity to keep her so close to me. A mistake on his part.
The accelerator is revving anxiously as I whip the steering wheel to follow the barely noticeable, but fresh, tire tracks into the field. I drive down the unsteady path to find-
Not her car.
What the fuck?
I jump out, jogging over to the unfamiliar, rusty truck to see the tracker I’d placed in Sophie’s car resting on the dashboard, along with a paper. I grab it, looking at the scribbles.
“‘Won’t her parents love to see what should have happened to their Sweet Sophie?’” I read aloud, my heart dropping. I scramble back into the car. “Gianni! Fuck! Send me her old address, now!”
I can’t believe he fucking played me.
Is she already gone? Did I fail her like I promised I never would?
“She will be okay, Matias. Just drive. I already contacted the PD, and all deputies have been removed from your route.”
My hands are shaking on the wheel as I follow the roads through the country into the suburban neighborhoods. I can’t help but think about how I’d give anything to Sophie, even this.
Any life you want, my love. Just give me the chance. Please, be here.