I wrap the pregnancy test with toilet paper and hide it under the sink. Swinging open the door, I nearly run over Ella who has paint brushes in her hands.

“Daddy bought me a bunch of paint and brushes and canvases, and I want us to paint,” she says quickly, a big goofy grin on her face.

My plan will have to wait.

“That sounds like so much fun. I’d love to paint with you.”

She grabs my hand and pulls me toward the kitchen area, where all the supplies are laid out. Everything is set up and Matias is there, looking so damn handsome he takes my breath away, but I’m unable to speak. There’s so much I want to say, so much I want to do, and my tongue is tied.

“Hi,” he begins softly, his voice deep and charming, seeping its comfort into my bones.

I take a seat and smile. “Hi,” I whisper.

“How are you?” he asks, biting into an apple.

My eyes wander over his tight shirt. The sleeves grip his biceps, and his sweatpants are slung low, leaving nothing to the imagination when it comes to his cock. I can see the outline, the crown of the head pushing against the material.

He smirks, clearing his throat. “Good, then? I assume.”

My cheeks redden from being caught. “Very. I—um—wanted to ask how Dominick is doing.”

He leans against the counter next to me. “He’s good. Healing. He is in better spirits than I thought he would be… He’s a tough kid. He’ll be fine.”

“Daddy, look! It’s an elephant.”

Matias and I give Ella our full attention.

“Wow, Ella Bella. That looks amazing!” Matias sounds like he is in pure awe of his little girl. “It’s beautiful. I want to hang it on the fridge, okay?”

“I’m not done yet. Maybe after.”

“I love it,” I add, knowing that, to everyone else, it is going to look like a grey blob, but hey, she’s just a kid. Being creative is all that is needed at that age.

“What are you going to paint?” Matias asks me.

“I don’t know. I’ll just see where the paint takes me, I guess.” I draw a streak against the canvas, the black color thick and dark. “Maybe, I’ll do a night sky.” It is simple enough, and fun.

His eyes sear me. I feel his stare piercing the secret I’m holding in tight. He scoots closer, until his elbow touches mine, and the simple motion has me inhaling a sharp breath.

I’ve missed his touch, even if it is as simple as this.

“Can we talk later?” he whispers the question into my ear, his breath ghosting over the sensitive skin of my neck. “Please?” Matias leans in, his nose touching the side of my head as he inhales my scent. “I’ve missed you so much.”

I close my eyes, getting lost in his nearness.

“There’s so much to discuss. Everything that’s happened… just—I really need to talk to you.”

I nod fast because that’s perfect. If we can talk, then I can tell him about the baby.

“I’d like that, Matias. And… I’ve missed you too.”

He tilts his head to the side, his touch gaining courage as he drags his fingers up and down my arm. “Yeah?”

“Yeah, it hasn’t been easy for me, Matias,” I whisper in return, making sure my voice is as low as possible. “I was so embarrassed and ashamed of what happened that night. You came and—”

“Let’s not talk about that here.” His eyes move to his daughter. “But there is nothing to be ashamed of.” His finger moves to my face, tracing my jaw. “I promise. I never want to make you feel caged. If you have the urge to go out, I want to go with you, or follow you, or watch you.”

I snicker. “That doesn’t sound creepy or anything.”