“Mr. Milazzo, she’s safe. She’s in her cell.”
I chuckle at the fucking audacity of keeping my woman in a fucking jail cell. I grip one deputy by the throat and pull my gun out at the same time, aiming it at the other deputy, on the right. I lift him by his throat, causing him to choke. I cock the gun, turning my head to the officer on the right. “Move and I’ll fucking shoot you.”
He nods, the color draining from his face.
“Now, someone tell me why my woman is in a cell. With how much I pay this fucking dump, I expect you to at least call me. I didn’t get a call. I had Gianni call me instead. Why?”
“She’s a suspect in a car bombing,” the one I have by the throat says, coughing. “We have a witness.”
I growl, sneering. “Does she look like the fucking type who would bomb a car? Who was the witness? A man? Was his name Michael?”
“Ye-Yes, how did you know?”
“It’s her crazy ex-boyfriend. You guys are really bad at your job.” I release him, and he inhales much-needed air. “Take me to Sophie, now. Or I will pull this trigger, and step over your dead body without remorse.” The deputy in front of me crosses his eyes to stare down the barrel of the gun. He nods, sweat dripping down his temples. “Good.” I put the hammer in place and tuck the gun into its holster. “Lead the way, Officer,” I state nonchalantly, acting as if everything is forgotten.
“Yeah, okay. Yeah,” he stutters, his hands shaking as he pulls out his keys to unlock the door that takes us to the cells.
I follow him, the soles of my shoes tapping against the cheap linoleum floor. The bright fluorescent lights have me squinting my eyes, and the ache in the back of my head becomes slightly stronger.
Moaning and groaning surround me. I look left, and I see a drunk guy passed out on his cot. To the right, there’s a man talking to himself in harsh whispers, running his fingers through his hair, as if he is paranoid about something.
My Sophie doesn’t belong in a place like this.
“Looks like it’s your lucky day, Ms. Matthews,” the cop grumbles, sliding the key in to unlock her cell.
“Don’t fucking speak to her as if she’s a criminal. We will be getting a restraining order and the best lawyer in the city. If you really want to go down that road, I’ll fuck over this department so fast, you’ll be without a damn job. You know I am way more powerful than you,” I whisper, invading his space. “I am above the law here, and you are nothing but a fucking puppet. You will do as I say if you still want to get my money that your wife, I bet, seems to like. Do I make myself clear?”
“Crystal, Mr. Milazzo. Consider the case lost, or dropped, or---”
“It isn’t dropped. Michael did it. I want a restraining order put in place.” I yank the cell door open, and Sophie looks up, tears in her eyes, mascara running down her face, and yet, she looks fucking beautiful in that dress.
That too many men have seen her in.
Her eyes widen in surprise, as if she’s shocked to see me. She wipes her cheeks, only smearing the mascara more.
“What are you doing here? I called Gianni.”
“And who do you think called me? What the hell were you thinking? You could have gotten hurt, or worse. Let’s go, Sophie. We are leaving.” I want to scream how fucking enraged I am from the rooftops, but she looks so fragile, so meek in this moment, I can’t find the heart to be upset with her. I pick her up gently and I get a whiff of alcohol. “You weren’t driving, were you?”
“I drove to the club, but I wasn’t going to drive home. I promise. I wouldn’t do that.”
“I’ll have Gianni get your car.” I wrap an arm around her waist when she stumbles in her heels, still a bit tipsy, even though it’s been hours since Gianni called me. “How much did you have to drink?”
“Enough to try and not be mad at you anymore,” she slurs just as I lift her into my arms.
I hold back my smile. “Did it work?”
“No.” She lies her head on my shoulder. “Well, maybe. Yes.” She licks her lips next. “No. Yes.”
“We will table that for later, then,” I grumble, pushing a piece of hair out of her face.
I’m worried that our inability to communicate with one another will be our downfall. I don’t want it to be. I love her more than I ever thought possible, but she is insistent she doesn’t need me like I need her.
It hurts more than I care to admit.
“I want that restraining order in place as soon as possible,” I grit through annoyed teeth at the deputies. “Michael better be taken care of soon, or I’ll do it myself. We both know you’d rather have it your way than mine.” I push out the door, leaving the police behind.
Tony is still there, right where I left him, and he grins, waving at me through the window. When he sees a woman in my arms, his smile fades. He gets out of the car and pokes his head above the roof. “Oh no, she doesn’t look too good. Is she okay?” He runs around the back, opening the car door for me.