He takes my hand, then wraps an arm around my waist. “That’s okay.” He tugs me closer until our bodies meet. “There’s no need to be nervous. Just follow me.”
I nod, swallowing, in hopes of coating the dryness in my throat.
“Do you trust me?”
“Yes,” I answer too quickly.
“Then let me show you how to dance, Sweet Sophie.” He steps forward, and I automatically step back, then we begin to circle the floor, spinning and twisting as if we have done this a hundred times. “Why aren’t I surprised?” he pulls me close again. “Of course, you’d be a natural. Your perfections never end, do they?”
“I’m far from perfect. Like you said, I only need to follow you, right?”
“I’ll always lead you, Sophie. You’ll never have to worry about that with me.”
I know we aren’t talking about dancing anymore. I don’t know what to say, so I choose not to say anything at all. I enjoy the moment, being whisked around this beautiful ballroom, and being treated like a princess, like I matter. He twirls me out, then spins me into his chest, my back settled against the strong width of his frame.
“You are exquisite,” he whispers before twirling me out again.
I smile and laugh, loving that spin a little too much.
When the song comes to an end, he dips me, bending me over his knee. His eyes pierce mine, lust heavy and making itself known between us. I’m well aware of his presence and every part of his body against mine. His large palm is in the middle of my back, warm and comforting.
Applause surrounds us, breaking the moment, and when he lifts me up, I see we are still the only ones on the dance floor.
“That’s all for you,” he says.
I shake my head, following him as he leads us back to the table. I have a huge smile on my face that I can’t seem to shake. I’m actually having fun.
“I doubt it was for me. I bet I looked like I had no idea what I was doing.”
“Nonsense,” Dovnic states. “You look like a cloud, floating.”
His date stands abruptly and tosses her champagne on him. “Then why don’t you just spend the rest of your night with her, you arrogant bastard,” she huffs, stomping away and out the door.
I hold my hand over my mouth, keeping a laugh inside as the champagne drops from Dovnic’s chin.
He whips a napkin from the table and dabs his face. “Women, am I right?”
“No,” Matias clips. “At least, not my woman.”
I drop my eyes to the table, doing my best not to look so smitten.
“Da. We aren’t all as lucky to have a Sophie.”
“If you’ll excuse me. I need to use the restroom to freshen up.”
Dominick watches his father leave and when he does, he leans forward. “Mr. Milazzo.”
Wow. He even sounds young.
“Dominick,” Matias says in a much nicer greeting. “How can I help you, young man?”
“You have to stay in the area for a few days. Please,” he begs, his youth shining through his eyes. “My father is in trouble. He will never admit it, but another family is encroaching on our territory. They have made threats. They have… They have already killed my mother. Please, I beg of you. Please, stay.”
I take Matias’s hand in sadness when I hear the broken emotion coming from Dominick.
Matias leans forward, placing his elbows on the table, then presses his fingers together in a steeple position. “I’m going to assume your father doesn’t know you’re talking to me, or he’d be furious to know he made himself appear weak.”
“My father is anything but weak. He is one of the strongest men I know, but this family is something else. Don’t follow rules or ethics. They do not care. My mother is dead. My father is a stubborn man, but he loved my mother and would burn the world down for her. The women he keeps company with mean nothing to him. He is trying to ease an ache, that is all, but his love for her will get him killed. He will not be careful. Please, think about it. I know you aren’t friends. I know we are enemies, but perhaps we do not need to be.”