He smirks, bending down to give me a chaste kiss so he doesn’t mess up my makeup. “I love how you react to me, Sophie. I love how responsive you are.” He straightens, holding out his arm. “Can I show you off now?”
I slip my hand around his arm. “I’d like that,” I whisper.
We have to walk a little slower to the elevator since my heels are so high. “Where is this gala?” I ask.
“It’s here in the hotel, in their ballroom. We will have fun, wine and dine, donate money, and then we can escape into our room.”
“You don’t like these events, do you?”
“How could you tell?” he says, tucking his hands in his pockets. “I only come to these events because I wouldn’t hear the end of it from my brother. These are important events to show up to. Shows our wealth and power. Appearances are important.”
When we get to the main floor, it isn’t hard to figure out where we are going. We follow the crowd of people who look beyond wealthy and seem too good to be here.
“Everyone looks so….” I trail off, not sure how I want to phrase it.
“Boring? Like they have a stick up their ass? Tell me about it. I’d rather be at home, snuggling with my daughter and you, watch a movie, and go to bed.”
“How is Ella? I miss her,” I say, probably more than I should. I feel so connected with her. It will be a sad day if Matias ever tells me to leave.
He pulls out his phone and swipes his screen. “Gianni sent me a picture.”
I peer down and laugh so loud that I turn heads. “He looks like he’s having a blast.”
Ella is wearing her princess costume, pouring tea for Gianni. He is wearing a tiara, a feathered scarf, and if I’m not mistaken, there’s glitter on his cheeks.
“Don’t let the face fool you. He loves it. She always has a good time when I’m away. Gianni makes sure to keep her busy.” He frowns, tucking his phone in his pocket. “I miss her.”
I squeeze his arm. “I know. We will be home soon. Like you said, quick enter and exit, right?”
“Right.” He places his hand on mine as we enter the ballroom.
I school my features, so I don’t give away how stunned I am to see such an extravagant place. I don’t want anyone thinking I don’t belong here, but holy shit, the chandelier has to be more expensive than Matias’s house. It’s huge, with thousands of crystals, glittering as the light hits it.
Caterers move around effortlessly, proving they have done this a hundred times. Matias snags two glasses of champagne as we find our table.
I was hoping we would have a table to ourselves, but that is not the case. We are seated with two other couples.
“Mr. Milazzo,” greets a man, standing to welcome us to the table. “It’s good to see you old friend.”
“Dovnic.” Matias is curt as he shakes the man’s hand, and his jaw is tight, clearly unhappy. “You know I wouldn’t go as far as to call us friends,” he puts bluntly.
Dovnic smiles, laughing boisterously, as if it’s the best joke he has ever heard. “Don’t you know,” his thick Russian accent is pronounced when he speaks, “It is best to keep you closer so I can keep my tabs, Matias.”
Matias manages to smirk. “I would expect nothing less.” He places his hand on my lower back and pulls out my chair. “Dovnic, this is my fiancé, Sophie.”
I trip over my left foot when I hear the word fiancé, then slam my hip into the table which shakes all the glassware together, nearly sloshing everyone’s champagne.
He could have warned me I’d be playing his fiancé.
“Are you okay?”
I turn my head to glare at Matias because he knows damn well why I lost my footing. He grins.
“I’m fine,” I grumble, giving my attention back to Dovnic. I plaster on a smile. “Hi, it’s so nice to meet you. So sorry to trip. These heels are a little too high.” I laugh it off, and Matias pushes my chair closer to the table.
Dovnic and Matias take a seat as well, but mysoon-to-be-husband’srival takes my hand and kisses my knuckles.
“You are beautiful, Sophie. If Matias ever bores you, I hope you keep me in mind,” he says, his date right next to me.