“I’m the leader of the Milazzo mafia, Sophie.” I lean in to graze her lips. “What do you think? Am I a man who kills to get what he wants?”
She blinks, licking her lips. “Yes, I think you are.”
“Good, then you know the answer to your question.” I rub my nose against hers, giving her a quick kiss just before the plane hits the runway.
When it finally comes to a stop, Sophie is in better spirits by how big her smile is. I take her purse and blanket, so she doesn’t have to carry anything as we walk down the steps.
“You don’t have to carry my purse, Matias. I can do it.”
“I know you can do it. It isn’t about that. You shouldn’t have to do it. I’ll carry everything for you. You’ll not lift a finger again.”
“It’s a hot pink purse,” she blushes. “Aren’t you embarrassed?”
“It will take a lot more than a purse to embarrass me, Sophie. Why would I be ashamed to carry your purse when just last night I had you come on my cock? I made you come. No one else. That’s the only power I’ll ever need.”
“Matias!” she giggles, covering her mouth with her hand.
“Thank you for trusting me with your flight, Mr. Milazzo. I look forward to flying for you again,” The Captain interrupts our moment.
“You’re the best, but Rebecca is not to return. She’s banned from any of my flights. Understood?”
He nods. “I will take care of that right away, Mr. Milazzo.”
“Thank you.” I give his hand a shake before making my way down the steps, where the limo is waiting for us.
The driver is already loading our luggage in the trunk. Sophie tries to open her own door, and I slam it shut with my hand.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
She gives me a dubious expression. “I’m getting into the car so we can go to the hotel.”
“Silly woman,” I tsk. “Don’t you know? Only I open your doors for you.” I do as I say, and she bites her lip all while shaking her head.
But she gets in.
I’m going to have this woman fall in love with me.
I toss her the blanket and hand the purse over to her.
“Mr. Milazzo, are we headed to the hotel, or would you like to stop somewhere first?”
I check the time. “Hotel.”
“Right away, Mr. Milazzo,” Andre states with a clean British accent.
He shuts the door and I wrap my arm around Sophie, curious as to why she would think tonight would go so badly. She’s the most real, most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. There’s nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to that. I can only say so many things to make her feel better, but at the end of the day, she has to believe it.
I’m lost in my thoughts, wondering how I can have her see herself how I do, when we pull into the front of the five-star hotel.
As soon as the doors open, cameras flash from the paparazzi. I help Sophie out of the car and the flashes become quicker. She turns into me to hide her face, and I grab the closest camera and yank him to me.
“What the fuck? This is an expensive camera, man,” he says.
“I don’t give a fuck. If you care for your life—” I cast my eyes to all of them, waiting to take the next picture. “—You won’t take one more photo.” I drag him closer and whisper, “I’ve killed for so much less. Remember who the fuck you’re dealing with.” I shove him back, keeping one arm around Sophie while she hides her face in my chest.
I hurry us into the lobby, where security blocks anyone else from entering. I had forgotten all about the cameras. I’m not a celebrity at home. I’m feared. Here, they love to run any article faking a story to get on the front page, to have their fifteen minutes of fame.
“Are you okay?” I cup her face in my hands, cursing myself for not thinking this through. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t even thinking, Sophie.”