I press the heel of my palm against my cock, inhaling to calm my lust. I’m too close to losing control and heading to her bedroom. Ella will be back any minute and there’s no time to have Sophie without getting caught.

Having to tuck my erection into the waistband of my sweatpants has me feeling like a teenager walking the halls of high school when I had no control of my body.

And here I am again, tempted with no relief.

I toss the dishes in the sink and grab the edge of the counter, taking a deep breath, and hang my head. The twinge and constant burning in my shoulder help bring my libido to a halt. I roll my head over my shoulder, then crack my neck. The pops relieve some of the tension, but not all.

The only person who can do that is doing her best to stay away from me.

She’ll be the cause of my downfall if I’m not careful.

Ella comes skipping into the kitchen from Gianni’s room. “Uncle Gianni said he wants to go on the boat too.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Gianni is healing from…” my thoughts end when I try to figure out something to say to her.

“From him being a superhero and one of the bad guys got him? I know. He says he feels better. The bad guys can’t keep him down.”

I can’t help but chuckle. I’m jealous of such an innocent mind, even if she is spot on, but it’s sweeter than what actually happened.

“You know, you’re right. We need to come up with a superhero name for him, but let’s keep it a surprise.”

She gasps, nodding in excitement with her big, round eyes. “Oh, that’s a good idea.” She bounces on her feet. “Can I get ready for the yacht now, Daddy?”

“Absolutely. If you need any help, let me know, okay, Ella Bella?”

She twirls her hair around her finger and cocks her hips out. “I’m a big girl now. I don’t need help.”

I press my hand against my chest. “Apologies. You’re right.”

She is getting so big, but she’ll need my help, she does every time. And I love it. I dread the day she truly won’t need me anymore. She’s…my everything. I don’t know what I’ll do.

Gianni’s voice has me turning from staring at Ella skipping down the hallway. “Are you okay?”

I shake my head of worries that aren’t needed just yet. “I will be. I should be asking you the same thing. Are you sure you want to go? Are you up for it?”

He holds a hand to his side. “I’m fine. I need to get out of the house. I’m going stir-crazy watching the camera feed. I’m bored.”

“Me too. Water shouldn’t be rough, you know the yacht is a smooth ride.”

His eyes peer down the hall. “So.”

I turn around and cross my arms. “So?”

There’s a knowing twinkle in his eyes. “How are you and Sophie?”

I scratch my chin, unsure of what to tell him. “We’re a work in progress.”

“It’s better than nothing.”

“If she had it her way, we would be nothing.”

“But you won’t allow that to happen.”

“Fuck no, I won’t.”

“Daddy! I’m ready!”

Something flaps, smacking hard against the floor. Gianni laughs, a smile blooming over his entire face. He covers his mouth to hide it, but his shoulders are shaking.