Sophie has been busy with Ella, using my daughter to stay away from me.
I can’t stay away from Sophie any longer.
I sip on my coffee, watching Sophie make breakfast. She’s so fucking beautiful when her hair is a mess, and she has no makeup on. First-thing-in-the-morning-Sophie is my favorite version.
“How are you feeling?” she asks, not looking up from the griddle as she flips a pancake.
“I’d be better if you came and sat next to me and gave me a good morning kiss.”
My statement must surprise her because she’s in the middle of flipping a pancake and doesn’t catch it.
It lands on the floor in a pile of half-cooked goop.
I hide my smile behind my mug.
“Matias, you can’t say things like that.”
“Why not?”
“Because why, Sweet Sophie?”
“It’s distracting. You know exactly what you’re doing.” She points the spatula at me, giving it a good shake as if I’m a child being scolded.
“I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.”
“I bet you don’t,” she grumbles, picking up the pancake from the floor to throw it away.
I watch her, making it known I’m not going anywhere. My attention will always be on her when I have the chance.
“Stop staring at me.” She fumbles another pancake.
I clutch my hands in front of my mouth to stop myself from laughing. “I’m not doing anything. I’m sitting here. Enjoying the view of my nanny making breakfast.”
She blows a piece of stubborn hair out of her face. “You’re evil. You know that?”
“Maybe.” I tilt my head, letting my eyes roam down her body. “Does that make you a sinner, Sophie? For allowing evil inside your tight, hot—”
Before I can finish my sentence, she shoves pancake in my mouth, silencing me.
Her eyes widen, then slide to the right.
“Good morning, Daddy,” Ella announces as she skips into the kitchen, holding her barbie doll.
I chew the pancake, wash it down with coffee, and swing my daughter into my arms. “Hi, Ella Bella. How did you sleep?” I kiss her cheek like I do every morning.
“Good. I had a dream that I went swimming with a unicorn and there was a rainbow.”
I lift my brows, acting stunned. “What? No way. That’s cool. I wish I had dreams like that. Is that what you want? To go swimming?”
She nods and bounces on my leg, her head bumping against my wound, and I hold in a curse. She doesn’t know about my injury or Gianni’s. I don’t want her to know, either.
“Can we, can we? Please? Please, please, please, Daddy? I’ll eat my veggies today and everything.”
I press my finger to my chin, thinking long and hard about that offer. “Even broccoli?”
She sticks her tongue out, pretending to gag. “Even that.” She doesn’t sound impressed.