“Let her go, Matias.”
“I can’t.” I tug the ends of my hair. “She drives me insane.”
“You need to remember she has only been here a few days. Days, Matias. You can’t take over her life when she already feels submerged by moving in to be a nanny. You’re coming on too strong.”
“I don’t know another way to be. She’s mine,” I seethe, through tight teeth. “I want you to follow her. Tell me where she’s going.”
“Matias, that is not a good idea. She’ll come back.”
“Follow. Her. There’s a GPS in her car. It’s programmed into all vehicles. Keep me updated.”
“This is a mistake.”
“And it’s mine to make,” I sneer.
Gianni nods reluctantly and hurries down the steps to the nearest SUV. “I’ll let you know her every move.”
I’ve never felt so out of sorts.
“Mr. Milazzo?” Sergio, a new member, stops just outside the door with the monitor in his hand. “She’s asking for you.”
“Thank you, Sergio.” I rush inside, a headache threatening.
When I get to Ella’s room, she’s crying.
“Ella Bella, what’s wrong?” I lift her into my arms, noticing how flush her cheeks are.
“I don’t feel good, Daddy.” I place my hand against her forehead.
It’s warm. “Aw baby, it’s okay. I have you. I’ll get you some medicine, okay?” As soon as I say it, she throws up all over the front of my shirt, then starts to wail again.
“I’m sorry,” she screeches, holding onto her stomach.
“I don’t care about that. Not one bit. Come on. Let’s get you some medicine and get you cleaned up. Do you want to lie in my bed?” I know how much she prefers that when she’s not feeling well.
She nods, sniffling, while big fat tears run down her cheeks.
“Come on.” I lift her into my arms to see Sergio at the end of the hall with Micha and Santino. “Can you please do me a favor and grab her dirty sheets? She’s sick. We’ll be in my room for the rest of the evening. If you need me, call.”
“Yes, Mr. Milazzo,” Sergio says quickly, eager to please.
“And please bring me water, juice, and crackers, and an ice pack,” I add.
“Right away.” Sergio busies himself in the kitchen.
“Knock before you come in.” Ella needs to change and wash the sick from her arms, mouth, and neck. It got all over.
She starts crying again when her stomach rolls.
“It’s okay. We’re in the bathroom now.” I lift the toilet seat and set her down just in time for her to throw up again. “My poor Ella Bella.” I rub her back in soothing circles. “I’m going to start a shower, okay? And bring you fresh clothes.”
She nods through the tears, and I notice that the ends of her hair by her face have vomit on them too.
After cleaning her off, washing her hair, and putting on her new clothes, I tuck her into bed. She rolls to my side just as a knock on the door sounds.
I rip off my soiled shirt. “Come in.”