I toss my head back and laugh, cheeks heating from the obvious pickup line. “Do you say that to all the women at the playground?”

He crinkles his nose at the distaste of his line. “It was bad, wasn’t it? God, I’m sorry. It’s been a while since I’ve done this.”

I can’t stop smiling. “It’s okay. It wasn’t a bad line. It was… sweet. Only if you were sincere?” I state, hoping he hears the question.

“Very.” He scoots a little closer, keeping his eyes on me until a loud happy squeal rings through the air, ruining the moment.

I look away, watching Ella on the swing.

“So, I heard her call you Nanny Sophie. Who do you nanny for, if you don’t mind me asking?”

A flip in my stomach tells me that’s something I always need to keep to myself. I can’t imagine what would happen if people find out I work for Mr. Milazzo.

“I’m sorry. I can’t talk about who I nanny for. I hope you understand.”

His brows raise in surprise, but he doesn’t seem angered. “No, it’s okay. I understand. Your job must be very hard—” A hand on Dean’s shoulder stops him midsentence.

We turn our heads to see Matias standing there behind the bench. Even behind the dark lens of his sunglasses, his eyes are on me, and the scowl twisting his lips says everything that needs to be said.

He isn’t happy.

“Her job is hard, but you speaking to her only makes it harder.”

“Excuse me?” Dean stands to defend himself. “She’s a single, capable woman who can speak for herself.”

Matias grips Dean by the shirt and yanks him across the bench.

“Seriously? At the playground? Get it together,” I hiss, then plaster on a fake smile as people walk by. “This is not okay. Matias, back off.”

He doesn’t listen. “She is capable. She can speak for herself, but do not think she is single because she is here alone.”

“And who are you to speak for her?” Dean asks, ripping himself away from Matias’s grip.

“Matias Milazzo.”

The color drains from Dean’s face as he takes a step away. “You work for the mafia?”

“Mafia,” Matias snorts. “That’s all hearsay, isn’t it?” Matias walks around the bench and takes a seat. “But I’d go if I were you.”

“Matias,” I clip his name in frustration.

“Gwen!” Dean shouts. “Gwen, we are leaving!”

“I don’t want to leave.” Gwen cries from the monkey bars.

“We will come back another time.” Dean rushes to his daughter and snags her, running in the other direction and leaving Ella alone, wondering what she did.

I stand to run after him to explain that I am single when a hand wraps around my wrist and tugs me to the bench.

“Leave him.”

I rip my hand from his grip. “How dare you? Who the hell do you think you are? You are my boss. You don’t get to decide who I spend my time with.”

He wraps an arm around my waist and tugs me to his side, then grips the side of my hair, and tugs. Matias forces my head down so he can whisper in my ear.

I hate to admit it, but the roughness is turning me on more than I am mad.

“Make no mistake, Sweet Sophie, you are mine. You and I both know that.”