I lean forward and whisper. “Because, Sophie, I’m the kind of man who proves there is only one reason to roll your eyes and that’s in bed.” Before I do something she’ll hate me for, I head to the car where Gianni is waiting for us with the car door open.

“You play a mean game, Matias,” Gianni says.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He hides his grin with a shake of his head. “Mmmhmm,” he replies.

I climb into the SUV, double-checking Ella’s seatbelt in her booster seat before settling next to her. Sophie climbs in next, cheeks tinted from what I said.

At least, I hope that’s why they are red.

“So, where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise,” I tell her. Gianni will know where to go because it’s the only area where I shop.

It’s all designer brands. The best of the best.

“What if I don’t like surprises?” she replies from the corner of her mouth, hiding her amusement.

“Then that’s too damn bad, isn’t it?” I snap playfully, her gaze dropping to my lips for the—I’ve lost count of how many times she’s done that.

What would happen if we gave in?

“Daddy, you owe me a dollar. You said a bad word.”

“Can we call it even with the ice cream, Ella?”

She snorts, crossing her arms. “In thisecononemy?”

My brows rise in shock before every adult in the car begins to laugh. I fish out my wallet and wade through the bills until I find a dollar. “The word you’re looking for iseconomy. Where did you learn that?”

“Uncle Gianni watches the news every morning,” she chirps, tucking the dollar in her pocket.

“I got hustled.”

“She’s definitely your kid,” Gianni says, laughing under his breath.

“And I couldn’t be prouder.” I tug on her pigtails, noticing how long her hair has gotten.

When did that happen?

“Thank you,” I say to Sophie. “For doing her hair. I usually do, but I got caught up on a call—”

She places her hand on my arm to stop me. “Matias, it’s why I’m here. To help. You can brush out all the knots from her pigtails later. We’ll call it even,” she winks. Her sudden confidence is startling, but I’m pleased that she’s getting more comfortable around me.


She removes her hand and places it on her lap quickly. I stare at her hand longingly, wanting to touch her without permission because I’d already have it. I’d be able to touch her, pull her against my side, kiss, and do whatever else I wanted.

Sophie tugs on her sleeves again, breaking my thoughts as her fingers play with the material of her shirt. Gone is the curiosity of her skin against mine and worry replaces it. She’s always covering herself up, always hiding, and I want to know why.

“We’re here,” Gianni says, pulling into the parking lot.

“You brought me to the luxury mall?”

I unclip Ella and set her on the ground. “Is that a problem?”

“This is too much. I can go to other stores.”