“You? The mafia boss of all the land was afraid of a little girl?” She teases me again, a playful expression crossing her face.

“Terrified,” I say, all too honestly. “Not much scares me in the world. I’ve seen and I’ve done horrible things.”

The smile fades from her face.

“But that little girl has the power to make me happy one second and fucking scared the next.”

“What happened?”

“She called out for me again. She was yelling, “Daddy? Can you hear me?” I could hear her. I didn’t make a big deal about it when I gave her the towel. I acted calm, even if, on the inside, I was freaking out. I wanted it to feel natural, with no pressure. I didn’t want her to see how happy it made me just in case she ever changed her mind.”

“And then?” she rolls her hand in the air to tell me to continue.

“She put on her pajamas like the big girl she is—which she likes to remind me of—and plopped in my lap. She said, “Daddy, will you brush my hair?” So, for the first time in my life, I brushed someone’s hair that wasn’t my own. She asked me to braid it, but I had to admit I didn’t know how, but I learned. I watched videos and practiced with her.”

“God, you’re… you’re…” She searches for the right words.

“I’m… what?” I lean forward, needing to be closer, wanting to feel the connection growing between us.

“Different than I thought. You’re an amazing father. You didn’t hire me to pawn your kid off on me.”

I flinch, feeling like I’ve been slapped.

“I’m sorry, but single father, mafia boss—which scares me, by the way—but that’s a conversation for another time.” Her eyes dance back and forth between mine as if she’s trying to figure me out. “You really just need help. You want to be with her.”

“As much as possible,” I say. “She’s the world to me, Sophie. I don’t care who it is, but if they hurt her, I’ll kill them. I’ll make it painful.” I lean so close she has to pull away. “I won’t blink twice. I might be a good father, maybe a decent man, but I won’t think twice about murdering someone who hurts my family.”

“Is that a threat to me?” she whispers, fear drenching her voice suddenly, and my eyes roam down to her breasts.

“Yes. Even someone like you, Sophie. If you hurt my daughter, as much as I would hate it, you’d never be a nanny again.” No matter how I feel about Sophie, my daughter is first. Sophie doesn’t know me, and I don’t know her. For all I know, she could try to backstab me by hurting Ella.

Her hand lands on top of mine. “I promise, I won’t hurt her.” Just as quick as her hand fell on mine, she slides it away, then stands. “I should get to bed.”

“Do you know where your room is?”

“Gianni showed me.”

It better be near mine.

I stand as well, not wanting this night to be over yet because I didn’t get to ask her anything about herself.

“Goodnight, Mr. Milazzo.”

“Matias, please.”

“Matias,” she corrects herself. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“I look forward to it.” She fades into the dark as she goes to the steps, giving me one last look before her footsteps sound above me.


I want her even more now.

Chapter Four


I scream as the flames lick my arms. Fire surrounds me. I can’t breathe. The smoke is heavy. I can’t see my parents. Glass breaks. The whoosh of flames grows and climbs up the walls like vines. I try to crawl, but my eyes burn from the heat. I flip to my back and give up, knowing I’m going to die. I feel myself being lifted. Cool air bursts over my skin and when I open my eyes, I see the night sky.