“What’s in it for me?” Sophie drops her voice again as Mr. Frog, but this time it is a snarl.

I don’t like this Mr. Frog. He’s rude.

“I’ll make sure my father pays you greatly,” the princess speaks again.

Ella’s eyes hood and I know it’s my time to step in. “I hate to interrupt, but it’s time for bed, Ella Bella.”

“But Daddy, I want to know what happens to the princess,” she begs, giving me giant, puppy dog eyes that I hate to turn down.

“How about we save the story for tomorrow night? It’s such a long journey for the princess,” Sophie says.

“And Sophie wasn’t supposed to start working tonight, Ella. Tonight was her night to get settled.”

“No, I don’t mind,” Sophie says quickly. “I don’t consider it work. I loved hanging out with you and I can’t wait to hang out with you tomorrow.” Sophie boops Ella’s nose.

“Okay,” she says, defeated.

Ella sags against the bean bag. “Daddy, can I sleep down here tonight?”

Anxiety slams hard against my chest.

“Just tonight? Please?” she begs.

“Ella, you know how I feel about you being too far away from me at night.”

“I’m protected, Daddy. I’ll be okay. You keep the house safe from all boogeymen,” she tells me, reminding me of all the security I have.

She will be safe, but it’s the thought of something bad happening. “I… I don’t know.”

“Pleeeeease,” she drawls out. “Please, please, please.”

“How about you go to bed and while me and Sophie go over a few things, I’ll see?”

Which is code for yes.

Ella gives me a big grin. “Okay.”

I sit down on the bean bag and wrap her in a hug, squeezing her tight. I hold her as if she’s about to disappear just like I do every night.

“I love you, Ella Bella.” As much as I hate it, I let go. “I love you very much.”

“I love you too, Daddy.”

I kiss her forehead and stand, flipping on the sound machine. I keep the LED lights on because Ella is afraid of the dark.

Naturally. Bad things happen where people can’t see.

I keep the door open so I can hear her if anything happens, and stop in the hallway, watching her like a hawk.

Sophie’s hand suddenly lands on my arm, her touch being the only thing to ever take my attention away from Ella.

“She’s okay. She’s safe. She’ll be alright.”

“I don’t ever let her sleep down here,” I admit, staring at where Sophie is touching my arm. “I don’t like to let her out of my sight. Sometimes she has nightmares. She calls out for her mom.”

“Oh god, I can’t imagine how hard that is. Poor baby. She has to miss them so much.”

“She does,” I nod, involuntarily inching closer to Sophie.