I lift my eyes to his, and his attention drifts all over my face before landing on my lips.

I lick them and I don’t know if the two are related, but he grunts before letting me go.

“Ella!” he shouts for his daughter. “Her name is Fiorella, Ella for short. I call her Ella Bella or Ella Bella Bear. Depends on the day.”

“It’s funny to think of a man like you saying those words.”

“Ah, I’m not so big and evil.” He winks, and I have to look away quickly, wanting to hide my reaction to him. What the hell was that?

Fast little footsteps pound down the hall and the door bursts open. An adorable girl flies through the room and slams herself against her dad. He picks her up and sets her on his hip. If I didn’t know he adopted her, I would think they were related.

She has dark hair like his, inquisitive eyes, but a smile that’s honest and innocent.

Ella is wearing hot pink leggings and a white shirt that has a unicorn on it that’s jumping over rainbows. There’s a big red stain on it too. Probably from a popsicle.

“Ella. This is Sophie. She might be your new nanny.”

“Hi, Ella.” I take a step forward and hold out my hand, careful not to drop my tone too much. In my classes, I read it’s important to talk to them normally. It helps with development.

“Do you like ice cream?” she asks.

“I love ice cream.”

“Would you dress up with me for tea time?”

“Are you kidding?” I scoff. “I would love to do that. It’s been so long since I’ve had a good cup of tea.”

She giggles. “Not real tea, silly.”

“Oh, duh.” I slap my forehead. “I love pretend tea too. Will there be tiaras?” I give her a skeptical glare.

“Yes! Yes! I love tiaras. Daddy wears one too. Well, he calls it a crown,” she rolls her eyes. “But whatever.”

“Yeah, whatever,” I use the same tone as her, and Mr. Milazzo sets Ella down. I realize a moment too late that I may have overstepped, and look back to him. I feel relief wash over me as he smiles at his daughter.

“I see I’m going to have my hands full with you two.”

“Come on. Let me show you my room.” Ella grabs my hand and ushers me out of the office. Kids are so trusting.

I follow her, then make the mistake of looking over my shoulder to see Mr. Milazzo staring at me. It’s an image I never want to forget. His domineering gaze is pinned on me as we run down the hall, and I feel a shiver run down my spine, unsure if it’s fear or pleasure.

“Look! See? They are all ready.”

Her stuffed animals sit in chairs surrounding a child-size pink table. They are wearing fake jewelry and tiaras.

And Gianni is there, giving me a ‘save me’ look. He is wearing a tiara, too, and strapped to his shoulders are a pair of fairy wings that are way too small for his body.

“I guess you got the job.” He picks up the teacup that’s too small for his fingers and sips. “You better get used to teatime.”

Ella giggles, which has Gianni’s tense shoulders loosening.

I place my purse down and sit in a free chair, allowing Ella to place the tiara on me.

Yeah, I guess I did get the job.

“Tea?” Ella asks.

“Yes please.” She tilts the pot and pours the fake tea out.