Page 28 of Shattered Illusions


Roxie caught Alex’s worried gaze as she reentered the kitchen. Her insides were vibrating, but somehow, she managed a small smile for her friend. The conversation with Joe had thrown her off balance, but she would be okay. After she had time to process everything.

Without knowing it, she had dated a married man. And Joe had condemned her for it without ever pausing to consider her side of the story.

So many emotions were swirling inside her, so many thoughts whirled in her brain. Anger at how Joe had treated her. Disappointment that he hadn’t trusted her. Heartbreak because he was still suffering the consequences of his mother’s countless affairs. Nervous, fragile excitement about the possibility that they could repair their friendship.

She busied herself with setting the table as Alex and Quinn finished putting the final touches on dinner.

“You okay?”

She jumped, not realizing Quinn had approached. Shooting a quick glance across the kitchen, she saw Joe in quiet conversation with Alex. She cleared her throat and prayed the flush she felt on her face was just her imagination. “I think so.”

“Seeing as Joe’s not bleeding, I’m guessing you guys were able to talk,” Quinn said. “At least a little bit.”

Roxie nodded. “We have a ways to go... but yeah, we were able to talk about what happened.”

“You need me to beat the shit out of him? Because badge or not, I’ll pummel him. Just say the word.”

She chuckled and patted his arm. “Easy there, killer. Joe and I have called a truce. Of sorts.”

“I don’t thinktrucewas the word you used, Roxanne.” Joe’s laugh was awkward as he set the platter of baked chicken and potatoes in the center of the table. A couple of silent seconds ticked by before he cleared his throat. “I believe you issued a challenge of whether or not I could get through dinner without being an asshole.”

“Dick.” She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. “The challenge was if you could get through dinner without being a complete dick, Joseph.”

Quinn slung his arms around her and Joe’s shoulders. Grinning, he said, “Holy shit, we’re gonna make this work, guys. Because I fucking missed this.”

She blinked furiously when her eyes watered. Turning into Quinn, she buried her face in his shoulder, wrapped her arms around his waist, and squeezed. He wasn’t the only one who had missed this.

Was it easy bantering with Joe? Yes. And no.

Yes, because aside from the last few years, things had always been easy between them. Whether they’d been joking around, trading sarcasm, or hanging out in silence, there had never been a time when they’d been uncomfortable with each other.

And no, because she was still afraid of Nice Joe. What if he disappeared again? What if Jackass Joe returned, ready to smack her down with cruel words that would tear at her heart? She desperately wanted their friendship back, but she hadn’t been lying earlier when she’d said she wasn’t sure how to trust him again. Or if she even could.

On the one hand, she wanted to hold herself back, to proceed with caution, to not jump right in believing he’d be gentle with her feelings. Because no one could hurt her quite like him. But on the other hand... they’d already lost so much time.

All in all, she was a mess. But she’d get through this, dammit. It’s what she did: got through shit. She had survived the nightmare of having her best friend turn into an enemy overnight, the trials of starting a new business from the ground up, the trauma of everything that had gone down with Alex’s ex, and the apathy of her parents. She would survive this, too. One way or another.

“So, Roxie,” Quinn said once they were all seated around the table. “Getting back to the picture, is that the only one you’ve ever received?”


She focused on adding a few more potatoes to her plate, then took a big bite of chicken. “What was that?” she mumbled around a full mouth.

“Roxie.” Quinn placed his silverware down and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. The look on his face dared her to try him. “Have there been any other photos?”

She swallowed. “Um.” Crap. “Sort of.”

* * *

Joe’s eyes narrowed. She was evading. Big time. “Care to clarify that, Roxanne?”

When she looked over at him, her smile was sweet. Too sweet. “No, Joe. Not really.”

He took her smart-ass remark as a good sign, and the corner of his mouth ticked up. “Well, try, Rox. Please.”

She shrugged. “It’s no big deal. People send me articles and clips of press coverage from time to time.”