“You okay?” I whisper.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Probably dinner.”
I carefully climb the steps to the stage to accept my award. I’m not a shy person, but my art is personal. I love to share it with others, but I prefer to be left out of the spotlight. It’s one reason I didn’t really enjoy sports.
I clear my throat and look out into the crowd. My eyes stop on my mom. She’s a lot, most of the time, but she loves us without measure and would run into a tornado for Liam and me. She’s wiping her tears, and the pride on her face is the one reason I can stand before hundreds of people to accept my award.
“I want to thank the Seattle Arts Association for this.” I lift the trophy in the air. “And the continued endeavors for the youth of today and tomorrow, and the legacy they’ll be able to follow. This means so much to me.”
My acceptance speech is short and sweet, and I take my trophy back to the table, where my father has moved to my seat to speak with Liam. I take Dad’s chair, next to Mom, as the MC for tonight’s event begins to introduce the next award for still-life paintings.
“What’s wrong, Mom?” Her face is scrunched with worry.
“I’m not sure, Liam is complaining about his stomach. He says he’s in a lot of pain.”
My dad leans back toward my mom. “It’s on his right side. It may be appendicitis. I think we should go to the hospital.”
Well, at least I got my award and a dinner out of the whole thing. I would have loved to see the other pieces of art, but my brother is most important.
We quietly gather our things and are attempting a discreet exit when I hear the next winner announced. “And tonight’s award for still life in watercolor is Ashton Brooks, forFrom Lake Washington to the Ocean.” I take one quick look at the painting. It’s stunning, and the colors are so vibrant. But I don’t recognize the name.
The development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by asupernatural power.
(Via Webster’s Dictionary)
My birthday is alwaysa reflection of what I’ve accomplished in the past year, and I never get through the day without wishing my father was with us to celebrate.
“Happy Birthday, sweet boy!” My mom swoops in and kisses my cheek, then moves on to my sister. We’re a small family, and it’s only us, but we’re tighter than most as a result.
My sister, with her wispy red hair, so much like our father’s, sips on a margarita. I’m happy with my merlot, and my mother picks up her signature Riesling that I ordered in advance.
It’s our tradition to meet atHowtoCookaWolfevery year. The first time we visited, I picked it solely for the name alone, but then continued because the Mediterranean food is out of this world. Mom is in a better place than she has ever been financially, and it’s one of her gifts to me.
“Thanks, Mom.” I’m glad to see her looking cheerful. I have walked in on my mom crying more than once on my birthday, for the same reason I’m sad. We all wish Dad was with us. I don’t remember much about him because I was six when he died, but from time to time I get bits and pieces, small memories that seem to just pop into my mind.
A text alert pings, and I immediately look at who it’s from, primarily to see if the manager of an art gallery I’ve had a couple pieces at has returned my last message. She’s sold a few of my watercolors, and I’d sent her a quick snap of my current item, wanting her opinion.
“Sorry, guys, this is from Kate.” They both know the name because we share everything with one another—within reason.
“Go ahead, baby,” Mom replies, finishing up her first drink and attempting to get the waiter’s attention for round two.
Kate:I want that painting at my studio as soon as possible. BTW, you’ve heard about my featured artist here, right? I’ve set you up on a blind date, for Monday. You both are similar in many ways, plus you mentioned a drought, here of late, and Noah is a sure thing. The raunchier, the better. See, I think you two will hit it off. Don’t say no. See you soon.
I let a small chuckle escape my lips.
“What’s so funny?” my younger sister asks.
“Kate. She’s setting me up on a date.”