Page 77 of Give

“Yeah, that’s what I was going to ask. Glad to know you can read my mind.”

I silence her with a kiss, and we continue to walk through the dungeon, watching the many scenes play out. Kaia is the human art tonight, and Lacey is hung from the ceiling like a chandelier. Ani’s eyes fall from scene to scene, only to watch one particular one involving flogging. It’s tame from what I’ve seen, but it’s still her sister. Bristol is facing away from Penn, her chest against the St. Andrew’s cross. She can’t see us, and she’s fully clothed in a backless dress. He’s gentle with the flogger, not inflicting any pain.

“She seems to enjoy it.” And I pull Ani into my body, moving to another area of the room.

“Penn told me anything that happens tonight between them will be in the privacy of his room.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” she asks, snapping a little.

When I raise my eyebrow, it’s my silent warning. “Maybe not, but it means we can enjoy some of these scenes a little bit more.” It’s my promise to her.

It’s not long before I watch Penn and Bristol escape quickly up the steps.

“Ready for something a little bit different, baby girl?”

“Yes,” she answers, a jovial tone lacing her words.

Taking her by the hand, I lead her to a contraption, a rectangular wooden frame with ropes dropping from the top.

“Strip.” And she does as she’s told.

When she’s completely naked, I take my time with her, and when I’m finished, the ropes and the way they are tied around her look like a piece of art, reminding me of a star, facing those who have gathered around us to watch.

She’s prime real estate as a few others avert their line of sight to our scene.

I walk up from behind her and lean over her shoulders, running my tongue down one, and then switching to the other.

“I’m going to edge you so much tonight. The more you beg, the more I’ll withhold, and that’s a promise you can take to the bank.”

An hour plays out, and it’s time to give my girl what she needs. I fall to my knees, opening her pussy and do what I most enjoy and that is to tongue her.

As I finally untie her, I carry her to the punishing bench where I thrust inside of her sweet cunt and the entire room watches us.

At the end of the scene, I take her tired body to bed, and I soak up the way she fits perfectly into my arms, only to solidify she’s mine. Always has been and always will be.

* * *

“I can’t believe it, Luc, I just can’t believe it.” We’re loaded into my car, making the three-hour drive back to the city. Anisten rarely gets upset unless it’s at Harry, who she’s butted heads with from the beginning. But I see a different side of her.

“Anisten, why does it make you mad?” I try to come at it from logic and not emotion because the girl is emotional for the both of us right now.

“Bristol came to see me, Luc,me. Not to leave with my boss who she’s known for two days.”

Yeah, emotional it is. “You like Penn. Plus, Bristol leaves early in the morning, and if I only had one more night with you, I’d want to take it.”

Her body stops shaking, and she takes hold of my hand. “I can tell you this much, if she gets involved with Penn, I won’t watch those two have sex.”

“Understandable. If Murph and Isa were together, we’d have to take turns at the club or figure out something else.”

We’re quiet for a beat longer, and she releases a long sigh. Anisten must have something on her mind. “Have you had any luck finding who forged your signature?” she asks.

“No, but when I do, I’ll destroy them.” And I’ll end any motherfucker who messes with us, and this is my silent promise to her.


I’m exhausted from the weekend and when I walk through the door of my office, the bane of my existence, Jeffery Mann, is waiting for me. Since we seldom speak, I wonder why the fuck he’s in my workspace. We’re two people who have an extreme dislike for each other, and I try to avoid him. He must have something of the utmost urgency to discuss. Fuck, I’ve not even had my coffee.

“Good morning, Jeff.” I love seeing his face redden when I shorten his name.