Page 69 of Give

“Heaven, you’re being a little bit dramatic, don’t you think?” I ask. “And you can’t break into a place you have the key for,” I retort.

“And how the hell did you get a key to my place?” I’ve never needed a key, so I didn’t think to ask, but I took matters into my own hands. Anthony had snuck into her office today to copy it, only to return it later.

I shrug my shoulders. “I needed something I currently didn’t have, baby. You know me.”

She has the vodka and grabs for a tonic and a lemon. “Should have known. Do you understand boundaries, asshole? I mean, fuck.”

She slams down the empty soda can, squeezing her lemon like it’s the thing she’s currently angry with.

“Are you going to tell me what I’ve done?”

She opens her mouth, and I push to my feet, making my way to her in one fell swoop, my hand wrapping around her neck loosely, her eyes no place to go except to my own line of sight.

“Don’t pull that shit with me, Heaven. Not for one second. I know you. Your tells and when you’re upset. Do you think so low of me that I wouldn’t know, or that you could lie to me? Really, Heaven, it’s as wrong as it is unfair.”

She pulls from my grip, not that I had a tight hold on her.

“I can’t talk about it. It deals with the case, and hell, I’m not objective when it comes to you. Don’t you know that?”

She takes her drink up the steps and to her room, all with me on her heels.

“My case?” I ask and she nods.

“You’re going to tell me what the fuck I’ve done, Heaven. Don’t I deserve to know?”

She stands in the entrance of her room, no words for me. “You know, Heaven. We don’t have to say it for it to be real, but it’s as real as your green eyes staring me down.” I’m speaking of our love. We don’t have to say it because it’s always between us.

“And that’s why this is so hard because it’s the same for me. Fuck, I’ve never…I have given you everything you’ve asked for. Followed you blindly, let you tie me up, am a part of that side of your life because…”

“You love it, Heaven. Don’t act as if you don’t because you fucking love it.”

I attempt to bypass her, and even with her tall stature, her body is no match for mine. I slip in and she turns, not coming toward me. Her eyes are broken. I’ve broken her.

“I can’t fix it, baby girl, unless I know what’s going on.”

She sets down her drink, disappearing into her bedroom. I grab her glass, not my drink of choice, but I need something strong, too. I’ve never hurt for another person in my life, except for my sister when she battled cancer. But the evidence of despair in Anisten’s eyes at my hands is truly sobering.

I set down the almost-finished drink as she returns in a pair of pajama shorts and a see-through tank top.

“You know how I feel about pajamas, Heaven,” I remind her, as she picks up her drink, staring at the remains.

“Fuck. You really don’t understand boundaries,” she quips.

“Heaven, tell me you know I would never hurt you.”

She tugs at her briefcase and tosses me a file. I pick it up with copies of an NDA I signed. I can’t say I remember every tiny little thing I sign, but NDAs with my apparent signature, I sure as fuck would. I’m staring at it. It’s not a perfect replica of my messy John Hancock, because of the L, D, and the last S in De Santos.

“I never signed this, Heaven. And if I had, I’d remember. My signature, though they tried, isn’t as fucking perfect as they’d thought it was.”

The dollar amount of said NDA with the terms of the lawsuit aren’t listed. “The lawsuit I remember, but I was told that it had gone away. They’d stopped all litigation against us. We figured it was a stunt by Greene because the fuckface has it out for me, as you know.”

Her eyes widen, and she pulls for something in my back pocket. She produces my wallet, taking out my license and comparing the two. “Do you see that?” I point to the L and D, then to the last S in my name. Mine aren’t as loopy as they are on the NDA. She compares the two, and she drops both pieces onto her dresser, swinging her body toward me, her arms pulling me into an embrace. “Heaven,” I whisper in her ear. “I need you to believe me. I had nothing to do with this. Just not because of the sloppy signature, but because we don’t keep things from one another.”

“I think I knew this whole time. Fuck, Luc, my objectivity is shit right now because you’re my world.” She holds on tight to me.

Anisten moves her head to mine, and I tip it further to see her beautiful green eyes. “Baby, fuck. I’m so sorry. I hate that you went through this alone, unable to tell me.”

“I couldn’t say anything until I knew more, because I’m not unbiased when it comes to you…”